General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker Bugs Me

Invoker Bugs Me in General Discussion

    Without getting into a debate about whether or not Invoker is a balanced (or even able to be balanced) hero, does it bug anyone else that he's the only hero that doesn't follow the 3 skills, 1 ult, and 10 stats hero track? Because it bugs me. What drives me crazy about him is that Invoker is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get. During any given encounter you have no idea what spells he's invoked, and he has so many of them, that it isn't possible to be ready with a counter for them all. If he was only allowed one invoked spell and his other skills were always known it would be much easier, sort of like Rubick.

    I for one would like to see Invoker reworked using the more typical skill system of 3, 1, 10. I will add that this is coming from someone that doesn't play Invoker, and so I have no issue destroying what makes him such a unique hero. :)




        Every Moba should have a hero like invoker, sf, pudge, rubik


          Those are the heroes that make dota a health game, unlike furion, techies, doom, riki. They make dota a less enjoyable game at least for new players.


            it's easy to counter him. silence hurt him bad, mana drain really hurt him.


              K boys?

              ASSESS Product

                I rekt invo with bh roamer. That ns for ya.

                Player 215168758

                  Invoker is easier to shut down at mid, pick TA. Or kunkka


                    Tales from N O R M A L S K I L L.


                      delete this thread

                      Visita Hari Danta

                        Stop being assholes people -.-


                          rekt by invo and rage here? sadboy


                            no one gonna help u boys. git gud