General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow build

Drow build in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Idk what to do on drow, there's too many items that seem useful on her. Yes or no:

    Dragon lance
    Hurrican pike
    S&y vs manta
    Dominator into satanic
    Daedulus vs butterfly or make room for both?
    Treads vs phase
    Shadowblade into silver edge

    Treads vs phase seems pretty obvious in favor of treads. Drow is kind of middle of the pack move speed wise but I always feel really slow moving around on her until I finish s&y or manta. I'm wondering if phase would help me farm better and stick to targets better in fights/escape people focused on me. Does anyone go this route who can chime in?

    Manta seems obvious too but s&y is cheaper, easier to build, more move speed, and I love the maim proc cus u can open with frost arrows but then turn it off to lifesteal and still have a good slow.

    Lifesteal I always build on her, but it takes up a really valuable slot. If you go cheap items like boots, dragon lance, slot for tp, bkb, manta, dominator, you don't have that really big dps item and you're full. Same deal with bkb, a disabled drow is a dead drow but the space is so valuable. Late game satanic is pretty sweet though, but then again you have to disable frost arrows to use.

    And then dragon lance hurricane pike I just figure out how to use effectively yet and can't decide.

    Is silver edge upgrade worth rushing if you don't need the break on enemies? I suppose you could go blink over shadow blade too though I've never done it.

    Then finally for big items it seems like you're always picking between butter and daedulus when I want both. Boots, bkb, silver edge, manta, satanic, you can only get one of butter or daedulus. I really want to make a build with both but bkb is too core most games.


      I myself prefer butterfly over daedelus . More dps vs towers with butter since it gives attack speed as well plus upgraded aura with the agility and also survivbilty with evasion and flutter if needed while running or chasing.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        I'd prefer manta over sny just cuz you have more farm potential and your frost arrows kinda already do the maim of sny (except no attack speed loss).

        Definitely dragon lance, shouldn't really upgrade to pike unless you want more safety in fights.

        Satanic's gr8. It doesn't go with frost arrows but the reason you use satanic is when you're low health against multiple kids. It's likely that they'll be up close to you because you're almost dead, so you don't really need frost in that situation.

        Treads for survivability and more agility when using aura.

        Silver edge should be gotten fairly early if you wanna get rid of armor/evasion passives. Otherwise, I would get rid of sb when you need that slot


          Dont forget Aghs Mjolnir which gives you insane aoe dps. Especially good when holding highground.


            I usually go with aquilla (great item in general i think), bots of speed and infused raindrops (mana regen and magic damage absorb? yes please) by lvl6 and start to push t1 towers with this. by 12-15min (depends on lane) i buy dragon lance to outrange towers and start to build up either Silver Edge if there's someone with strong passives such as PA, ona manta when enemy has lots of silences and flying projectiles or helm of dominator if sustain is my main problem. Late game items are BoTs, BKB if needed, Dragon lance/pike if needed, bfly, manta and domi/satanics. Add critz instead something if you feel like you don't have enough dps.

            I usually focus on ending fast so enemy cores don't have time to come online so I rarely finish with six late game items... this kind of build works in 2,5-3k (i have above 75% win rate with Trax) not sure about this hero in 3,5k+

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა