General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes Riki need a nerf?

Does Riki need a nerf? in General Discussion

    I didn´t mind this little c*nt since it was low tier pub stomper...but now this mothafucka has over 54% WR in 5k bracket and it seems a bit OP(also pros pick him now). As he can be played by any brainless fool just following some basic item build ...and roam ..and farm kills. Bounty hunter is annoying..but riki is like a cancer now. The funny thing is, that some guys in VHS bracket can wreck teams just by picking the hero all the matter what enemy´s pick is. Your opinions?

    Pale Mannie

      I dont mind him since noone picks him


        hes not a cancer of 5k+ matches. hes picked sometimes, hes good, but not rly annoying/op/etc


          Goethe - in normal skill maybe noone...higher bracket and believe it or not according to stats ..better winrate ..even as I said 5k+


            I just buy sents and stick as a group and call it good

            Swap Commends

              Ward/Dust early game.fuck him before he does.He is so shit early game.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Riki does NOT need a nerf. If you are complaining about riki then you need to play 100 bot matches and practice before thinking this little mouse needs a nerf.


                  phantom riki = gg

                  Vem Comigo

                    Rick needs a buff, he is to squishy, almost anyone with a gem can 1v1 him and win.


                      Phantom Riki says other wise^


                        nerf ? NO


                          He is a roamer you he isn't a super carry, was bounty ever tanky??? No. I am currently watching singsing swear excessively over riki pickers and the riki evern sniped courier. The hero is strong, better than bounty probably and his ult is a pain in the arse for anyone. He got pretty buffed and I bet he will become the new cancer hero.


                            Oh and by the way Mocha Joe is talking a load of dogshit he should go play 100 bot games.

                            Vem Comigo

                              Riki needs a buff ??? why?
                              Shit movement speed, he needs to buy a slow early game to be effective.
                              Low hp and armor, any support that can buy a sentry and auto attack will fuck riki on the lane.
                              Since his lane is shit, he needs to gank to farm for itens, he will always be a ganker, it doesnt matter the game.
                              ^ biggest weakness, if the gank goes wrong, he is dead, it goes to far he is dead, if the enemy sups tp and have detection he is dead.
                              Riki doesnt jungle, he doesnt lane he only kills, and because that he is hated by people, is the same thing with that sven that spended 20 minutes farming creeps, but for riki,

                              riki farms heroes

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                That riki will haunt my dreams tonight. Not even kidding.