General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti Mage

Anti Mage in General Discussion
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    Why can nobody play anti mage? he is one of the most simple and fun carries i know, yet nobody can play him. Whenever i see a bad anti mage it actually makes me sad...


      Because your survivability relies on a spell with a reasonable cooldown and super long cast time. Your farm relies on being able to last hit well in lane and rotate effectively through jungle. You need to know when you are strong enough to fight whom on the enemy team. Compare this to PA, she is brainless carry where you dagger+jump enemy then hit till dead and back to farming.

      Sumbo #HEFTY

        I can say i'm pretty good AM tho


          Its a late game hero, not suitable for most drafts. Besides meta is oriented on carries coming on-line faster.

          Sven with 20-25 min free farm can end the game solo, while AM has pt + bf + manta


            Normalskillplayer thinks he can play am. SMH


              lmao ez am games 15 game mmr winstreak xD


                My last 3 times picking AM:

                Laned against Pudge/Windrunner with a Shadow Shaman support while Sand King jungled extremely inefficiently (ie no creating stacks), solo offlane tidehunter unable to shut down enemy carry, Shaman fed 14 times. Easy loss.

                Was aggressively laned against by Viper/Batrider/Razor. Easy loss.

                Was counter picked by and laned against Doom/Venomancer.

                My last 3 experiences playing against AM:

                4 stack pick Luna to go offlane against AM. AM gets near free farm. Luna proceeds to go Aghs/Satanic/BKB so hits like a wet noodle. I get no farm since we also have a Sniper and Spectre. Sniper ends an hour long game with only mjollnir/hurricane pike/crystalys/treads. Easy late game loss.

                Solo offlane tidehunter lanes against AM, maxes gush first with only 2 points in anchor smash. AM completes 12 minute naked battlefury. Easy loss.

                AM lanes against Spirit Breaker/Tusk and still gets 14 minute battlefury while I am laned against Witch Doctor/Slardar and unable to approach the creep wave without eating 2 stuns and a maledict. Easy loss.

                He's one of those heroes who I always get laned against by the most cancerous lanes possible while enemy Antimages get the best fucking lanes of their life.


                  Bad against most line ups needs shit ton of farm hard to get in pubs where all your team tries to steal your jungle and cs


                    ^ dont know what his talking about.. playing on normal skill but not abusing poor map awareness and positioning of enemy team xD


                      sad 40% win rate eu noob skrub who blames team rather than himself after every loss


                        Why guys like KEEPFEEDINGITSALREADYOVER are allowed to speak on this forum ?


                          just to watch like "pro" gamers teach plus instead spell cause they weak, in which the hero players teach cant consider a hero, but vs passive support like: abbadon,omni,dazzle,rubick,treant and other this hero autowin its true


                            ti mycor na antimag.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              he's definitely not a simple hero

                              but tons of people play him like "i'm gonna rice for 40 minutes and hope that we win by then"
                              he's a retard magnet like pa but with pa you have significantly higher chance to win if you're just mashing buttons


                                Am my fave hero the coolest guy on dota along with sven and jugg
                                Hes really op cuz he counters 110 hero while he can counter his counters with items.
                                Ppl are really bad at him i dont know why

                                Hes my most played hero with 51% win rate

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  @zaywop هی چه خبرا؟ چگونه آب و هوا را در جای تو نیست.


                                    The hero is definitly not easy to play. You need alot of patience and to be cautious. Alot of current meta carries shit hard on you in a 1v1 before your time comes. Am is good at farming and splitpushing. Fighting is not his main strength. Also your team needs to play according to your pick, or its going to be a lot tougher. You need space, so towers MUST fall early on, you need the entire jungle etc. Its rare . But in the right hands he is a decent 9v1 hero. He is my fav hero, most fun to play. He accerlates so fast. No hero feels so fast in dota.


                                      As an avid Anti-Mage player I must say, people don't know how to play the hero because they don't itemize accordingly, also shit skill builds. With the changes to abyssal and vanguard right now it just makes the hero more versatile in item builds and skill builds.

                                      Also, a lot of people aren't really efficient in farming tbh, they don't know how to combine pushing with farming and fighting.


                                        Well with vanguard changes in this meta this hero is hidden cancer. If you know how to win lane with him and how to farm efficiently you can go very far.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          It's simple for you. I have instead 18% winrate with anti mage and I always lose with him.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            1. It's hard to find farm in a pub if supports don't win the lane for you, same deal with any carry like a spectre or medusa
                                            2. AM can't do shit without farm, he can't catch up either. Medusa for example can catch up cus of split shot and snake, she needs levels. Spectre can catch up with one or two good team fights and her ult. AM? Can't do anything until battlefury is online and can't fight until way after that.
                                            3. One of the very worst fighters without farm. Almost every carry is more effective so your team is 4v5.

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              You know what's sad. The "keepfeedingthisisover" actually thinks he knows how to play.

                                              That is just sad.


                                                1. It's hard to find farm in a pub if supports don't win the lane for you, same deal with any carry like a spectre or medusa
                                                2. AM can't do shit without farm, he can't catch up either. Medusa for example can catch up cus of split shot and snake, she needs levels. Spectre can catch up with one or two good team fights and her ult. AM? Can't do anything until battlefury is online and can't fight until way after that.
                                                3. One of the very worst fighters without farm. Almost every carry is more effective so your team is 4v5.



                                                  @afeect why you are so damn cool?
                                                  Thx for speaking in my mother language! god bless u nigga