General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me with pc crasheded

Help me with pc crasheded in General Discussion

    As you can see I abandoned alot of game recently, that AA game I was lucky, right after the throne falls my pc dieded so it still count, 2 more abandons and now I got 24 hours to wait, Im gonna make it a week tomorrow XDXD.

    That is due to my PC suddenly dieded/crasheded. When I tried to turn it on, it says CPU Temperature error and dieded again, ofc Ive looked at it on google but didnt understand shit.

    I have ASUS m5a97 r2.0 and fx 4300, pls halp. Hope u understand my english ty.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Sounds like the cooling fan on your power supplier is dead.

      Probably broken or full of dust. First thing to do is take off one of the sides of the tower and turn it on, check that the cpu fan is spinning, If not try and clean off the dust. If it still doesn't work you need to replace it.


        You mean my PSU? I only have 2 fan, 1 in the back and the other is the heatsink fan? Ill recheck if I actually have another fan :3
        I cleaned both my fan earlier today, to no effect. But I didnt fully cleaned the heatsink fan tho, I dont have thermal paste to put it back so I just used a something like brush and tissue. (the heatsink fan do spin)

        lm ao

          pcs dont 'crashed', they 'crasheded'


            thanks doge Ill edit my post XdXd

            Your Wife's Boyfriend

              Just take your pc out of the "pc slot" (idk hows that called, my english is pretty bad) in your desk, leave it in the open and try again (10/10 solution, i know, but that is the only thing you can do right now)


                Check fan on your CPU cooler, is it spining? Remove side panel first, ofc.


                  It spins guys I have it opened now


                    if u have any kind of fur pet at your house, or just do not clean the dust often enough, this shit will get into ur fan all the time, and after a certain point it just stops workingñ and ur pc dies of overheat.

                    < blank >

                      I don't know the english word for the "white pasta" but you should probably remove your CPU + Cooler, clean it and put the white pasta on the CPU and Cooler and build it again together

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        @tripleblyat- I dont have pet, I just didnt clean it often, but I did cleaned 1 of my fan thoroughly this morning, and just 'brushed' my heatsink fan.

                        @Young El paso, yeah its called Thermal Compound/Paste, since I dont have it I didnt remove my heatsink fan. Do I really need to do this though?

                        < blank >

                          Yes, else the heat can't escape your CPU

                          E: You can also start Windows in the safe mode and test if it works and do some stuff there to warm up your CPU to see if it happens there

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            alright imma buy that


                              Download hw monitor from Internet, google it. Take a screenshoot, post it here.


                                Here shred

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Clean off dust from CPU heatsink, your CPU is 67C at idle, over-heating protection kicks in and shuts down your system to prevent damage to the CPU.

                                  Open the side panel, turn off everything, remove CPU heatsink from motherboard. Make sure you remove dust and re-attach it back.

                                  Go to PC shop, buy thermal paste, and apply new one(you're gonna have to remove CPU heatsink again do apply paste tho)

                                  Your CPU is 67C, which is actually a bit above average when your CPU is at full load. When you'er playing Dotes, your CPU 99% goes up to 85+C and thermal protection kicks in, as I said.

                                  Your GPU seems to be a bit higher also, not by much, clean her too if you want.


                                    alright decided then gonna buy theraml paste and clean off my heatsink fan! Thanks for the input guys!