General Discussion

General DiscussionMore wins after aiming mostly on offlane

More wins after aiming mostly on offlane in General Discussion

    Since I started target offlane (Almost no one ever wants offlane) I started to win much more then before when I played safelane as support/carry. I'm going as Phoenix,Dark Seer and Techies mostly now. Anyone else that plays mostly offlane and win many of the games?

    le thieF

      well i get timber as an offlaner but my pick depends on what the pick of the enemy team is. offlane is crucial and actually most of the times u can benefit from the greed of enemies carry in farm. hopefully u have some rotation from ur team and u have a huge early advantage.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Offlane Best Lane

        I play most offlaners apart from Darkseer and Beastmaster and I love it. Pretty much the most fun position to play imo.


          i cant get it in like 30-40% of my games even tho i fastmark it in 100% of cases


            I played mostly offlane. I realized that if the game mmr average is less than 5k, they are pretty suck at shutting down offlaner. I usually use mirana, and most of the time they just cant coordinate well to shut down a lvl 1 leap. And if game mmr is >5k, then you have to pick mostly meta offlaner like dark seer. Some safelane carry are still suck at handling dark seer thou. They are too greedy, didnt have enough healing items, and some are lazy to even buy a stout shield.


              people pick darkseer at 5k+ in your region? lol

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              my wife is fat

                why do u even bother.....he queues 3k in sea....