General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam vrs Team practice

Team vrs Team practice in General Discussion

    So I am a captain of a team (tbh our mmr s 2k but as a team we are significantly better and have beaten 4-5k teams) and am looking for another team to have some practice games with to try out stategies and stuff with, if you are a captain or a member of a team that is intererested please friend me at

    King of Low Prio

      yea sure lol

        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

          ^ wut?


            man there is no way you have beaten 5k teams as a team with everyone in 2k



              yeah if you told me a coordinated average 4k team beats a 5k average team i might understand but 2k lol

              Player 175043649

                2k doesnt know what to coordinate