General Discussion

General DiscussionMirana is meta

Mirana is meta in General Discussion

    Finally. Mirana got picked up in the pro scene recetly and in pubs she has a fine winrate. That aghs makes her the new and the best magic flashfarmer. So I hope she doesnt get nerfed. Do you think she will continue to do well in the pro scene or will she be a pub stomper or still trash?

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      Played as what position?


        She got played in all positions except offlane.

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          You mean she had position 1 farm in a pro game? Last I saw this was when loda played glasscannon mirana with mjolnir daedalus moonstone smth


            She was played by Ditya Ra as pos 1 yesterday or the day before dont remember and sumail played her as pos 2


              Even Dendi Played her pos 1 but that was back in 6.86