General Discussion

General Discussion6.87b, everything nerfed

6.87b, everything nerfed in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    * Sacrifice Cooldown increased from 44/36/28/20 to 60/50/40/30
    * Sacrifice Mana restore increased from 25/40/55/70% to 30/50/70/90%
    * Blade Mail cooldown increased from 13 to 18
    * Jinada slow reduced from 25/27/29/31% to 18/22/26/30%
    * Armlet's armor bonus is now granted after it is fully activated

    Welp it was bound to happen, lich is shit tier now? You can't really compare to 6.87 cus that shit was broken but let's compare rank 2 sacrificing an old 6.86 melee creep to ranged now.

    Melee creep was 62 xp / 36 seconds = 1.72 xp a second
    6.87b ranged creep is 90 / 50 seconds = 1.8

    Almost the same. But you are getting screwed on mana. Old one sacrificing a melee creep got you 40% of 550 hp = 220 mana, new one sacrificing a ranged creep is 50% of 300 = 150.

    I guess you could sacrifice melee creeps but you'd lose a ton of xp. So lich is basically nerfed not just from 6.87 but from 6.86. He is weaker than 6.86 now. He will still out level fairly decently just like 6.86 but he won't have enough mana to spam his nuke. That's a pretty big nerf, choosing between his level advantage or harassment.

    The armlet bonus probably doesn't affect much, just stops making toggling op, which they've already tried to do a billion times, nothing new.

    Blade mail cd is good, that's probably balanced.

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