General Discussion

General Discussionmeta predictions for 6.87

meta predictions for 6.87 in General Discussion
mom said it's my turn to ...

    Looking back on that bm tinker that my VHS cousin suggested, it'll probably work even better this patch.


      @Fee "Majority of people"( ・ิω・ิ)
      @KOTL the flash?(he run fast now :3)

      Fee Too Pee

        Kotl try to use veil aether lens agha tinker man it's so fucking legit. No need dager since u spam skills from safe distance

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          ^veil doesn't amplify laser damage. Sure, it does amplify missile damage but you mainly get aghs for the bouncy lasers. No dagger? Any strong gap-closer can easily shit on you without blink. Aether lens range isn't that noticeably significant and takes up slots that tinker needs badly. Also I happen to know where you got that idea. You do realize miracle was in safelane freefarming and uncontested, and his team made tons of space so he could play around with his build?

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            @ayakami wot


              Weaver also is currently good with linkens price reduced. Weaver with aghanim can save most teamate in team fight with the 16 sec cooldown.

              Fee Too Pee

                well i played some games to backup but its normal skill with friend anyway... but yea rocket spam more damage and veil online 24 hours for team is kinda big tbh. but hey u got so many tinker games what i know about tinker XD


                  I never got a chance to get good with naga while she was a good rat, if naga is back ill be so happy


                    Im in st. Louis until sunday so i couldnt play any of the new patch yet.. i cri kappa


                      slark + echo sabre + silver edge

                      silver edge is actually so good on slark now. needs ulti orb instead of sange, and ulti orbs are crack cocaine for slark! I see no reason not to go straight silver edge before skadi!


                        Bristle back is realy strong due to item changes.

                        Vanguard building into abyssal and echo saber are both fantastic on him, and blademail is extremely good since his tankyness doesn't lower the damage.

                        Echo saber is actualy just amazing perfect on BB. He does absurd damage when he gets his stacks up with right click, and its the perfect amount of int and regen for him to never have mana issues. It also builds up from a disassembled ring of basi

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Wraith King with battlefury, double damage on crits against creeps, one shot the wave or camp, also regen is delicous early, no more mana problems and also fuck those trees.

                          Pale Mannie

                            Axe does significant damage in all stages
                            Proof is my last game


                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                              @lightningbolt other established battlefury carriers outclass him though.


                                @KOTL of the Light i dunno man he seems pretty good i mean u just gotta get him farmed up and good, i may be just a normal skill pleb that dropped from high skill but we wait and see how things unfold. as for Axe, he gonna go ham. and Lich is gud too.


                                  Wk doesn't need battle fury . I'd say if u going to spend that much time farming might as well build a radiance or a maelstrom wich is easy to build .


                                    One time my team made tons of stacks for me in jungle when I was wk and I couldn't clear them so I built a battle fury , I was hella farmed . But once battles started I just got kited and died anyways . Getting kited when you know you got tons of damage sucks


                                      i usually gank always like a boss so the enemy cant build new op items that they want.

                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                        i remember back in dota 1 wheni was playing skeleton king, i built a dagger and my friends laughed at me(battlefury was the standard back then but then it was effective since nobody bothered kiting and always manfight anyways)

                                        Optimus Drip

                                          Pa is going to be ass this patch with echo sabre and scaling dgger


                                            @Goethe fake, Roflmfao. Build Maelstorm on Axe?
                                            That is gold that is better spent elsewhere, mate.