General Discussion

General DiscussionDrums are not viable carry/mid item anymore in my opinion

Drums are not viable carry/mid item anymore in my opinion in General Discussion

    Item seems to be nerfed a lot. For what you pay you don't get what you used to, and I don't think it's a go to item anymore for a lot of heroes.

    It might be decent on supports or on pos 3, but heroes such as OD, Slark, Sven, Riki or Jugg, hell, even SF won't benefit as much as they did if you go for it now.

    Ms is nice, but -3 STR and -6 AGI is a lot.


      Just build 3 bracers instead. If you have 3 bracers build into 6 sange's

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Build 3 bracers, buy an iron branch, plant the iron branch, sell 2 braces, and you'll find an op bug.

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