General Discussion

General DiscussionBalance of Heroes

Balance of Heroes in General Discussion

    Manila Majors will be upon us soon , and before you know it , TI season will start . And what all us fangays can only hope for is a new balance patch ( and the arrival of that damn Pit Lord , I mean come on , Arc Warden before Pit Lord !? ) These are the 5 heroes I wanna see nerfed and the 5 heroes that I wanna see buffed and brought back into the pro scene

    Nerfed :
    - OD
    - Spectre
    - Invoker
    - PA
    - Enchantress

    Buffed :
    - Storm Spirit
    - Terrorblade
    - Butcher
    - Tuskar
    - Brewmaster

    These are just my opinions though .
    Tell me yours , who'd you like to see get nerfed and/or buffed ? And why ?

    თემა შეიცვალა

      storm buffs so i can play him, sf buffs

      nerf ench and fucking bear with broken spells (lol why the fuck wud u wanna nerf pa)


        the funny tuff is that the qualifiers start on friday, and the update will be released 1-2 days in advance, so no one will know what to pick and how to play




            How is ta buffed please explain guys? No flamerino



              THis is the new shit we have to deal with now .
              Hurricane Pike +Enchantress.....
              Enchant ban priority confirmed

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Oh Lord, I will utterly demolish plebs with Panda. Panda, TA, Naga, TB, Clinkz, Sven, BH = ez 6k.

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  We will get some minor rebalances before Manila and more before TI.