General Discussion

General Discussion6.87 Patch notes are here!

6.87 Patch notes are here! in General Discussion
Livin' Real Good

    Intelligence growth decreased from 4.0 to 3.3
    Tornado travel distance decreased by 500 units
    Tornado travel speed decreased slightly
    Aghanim's Scepter no longer adds one level to the stats provided by Quas, Wex, and Exort on all Invoked spells
    Max level Deafening Blast now retains its normal location targeting UI
    Alacrity speed/damage bonus increased from 20->80 to 40->90

    You got excited for nothing.
    Just kidding niggas, cry more, suffer more, Invoker is still here, and still annoying, no patch notes yet. :)

    თემა შეიცვალა
    lm ao


      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        +Sandking Epicenter now applies 30% move speed slow globally. Damage only applies around Sandking.
        +Pudge hook reworks. Deals bonus damage depends on your hook distance 50/100/150/200. Applies 0.5 sec stun
        +Tinker rearm now makes him invulnerable during the duration.


          Invoker got removed from dota?

          Livin' Real Good

            i want people to open up a browser, got their favorite little sites, Dota buff being one of them, then look at the topics, then get excited over seeing my topic, only to be disappointed. It helps me deal with my frustration of OD and Invoker. :L

            Fee Too Pee

              OD removed from dota and buff huskar pls


                please no nerfs on invoker
                just make the meta.. not favor him that much or something but please, i want him to still be a viable pick


                  Let's cry about invoker and make him garbage and unplayabe and way fucking overnerfed just like sf and storm, cuz that's what "BALANCE" is. OSfrog


                    "I don't know how to counter a hero, so the game in unbalanced and the hero needs to be nerfed"
                    Did I read all that correctly?

                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                      I think Invoker it's okay , the problem is that there're 2 heroes which can encounter Invoker in this patch (OD and DP). templar nerfed, SF totally garbage, Storm even more garbage, puck useless, Ember stand no chance against Invoker, qop it's still fine but not against invoker, zeus is shit against invoker too. so WTF

                      lm ao

                        Puck useless?
                        Templar not viable?

                        Pale Mannie

                          Bara's Bash is true random again

                          Fee Too Pee

                            Sniper actually do some DPS (i am fucking serious pls)

                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                              @EreGiggeru 四Head SoBaka ... Templar is Viable, but she has nothing to do against an agressive Invoker, OD, or DP, puck is also good but not against that 3 heroes, so that's why you only see OD, and Invoker in all pick games.
                              Don't try to look smart at this forum dude, you're a simply normal skill player.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                Earth spirit
                                +Earth spirit rolling boulder damage now disarms the enemy.
                                +Aghanims when applied to enemy provides physical invulnerability but deals 50% magic damage.
                                +Base armor increased by 2.

                                *flies away


                                  6.87 sniper is getting nerfed cuz he's op WutFace

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    sniper is op 4Head

                                    Player 175043649

                                      -Aghanims now allow you to put mine globally(every skill)

                                      SmPLy Sir Walken

                                        Nice one Parasin, that's exactly how everyone feels. If you want a counter to Invoker, pick Silencer. Annoying as-- *SILENCED*

                                        House Cat

                                          pls SF raze back to 75 mana


                                            @赤司征十郎 ® 空 None of what you said made sense tbh.

                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                              TA > Voker

                                              Ez mid

                                              Long hard road out of 2k

                                                Shrapnel range increased to 450 to 500
                                                Unit hit by Headshot now take 10% more damage of Headshot every time it proc (max 50%)(reset time 4 sec)
                                                Take Aim Active Increase 75/100/125/150 more attack range but slow ms by 3%/6%/9%/12%
                                                Assasinate increased stun duration to 1 sec


                                                  Fuck sniper he can burn in hell why do want to see that shit stain mid again harassing you from another time zone