General Discussion

General Discussionstuff you want to try

stuff you want to try in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    In dota2. Inspired by the octarine weaver thread, what are some other for the hell of it builds/strats you want to try? Only requirement is not completely fucking stupid, like needs to be viable if not ideal. So shit like jungle lion or safe lane carry lion is out (though I'm sure some dumbass will tell me I'm wrong and how good jungle lion is).

    I'd like to try:

    - Razeless safe lane shadow fiend. Max necromastery and presence and right click bitches down.
    - Jungle Sven. I've done it in normal mmr grouping with friends, it's really not bad at all but that was back when mask of madness sven was a thing. Idk how it would work with dominator, might not be enough dps.
    - Dual offlane aura sven. Send sven offlane with another stunner like slardar or something, wreck the lane, build treads, vlads, aghs, ac.
    - Mid warlock. I hear it's a thing, I've never done it.
    - Mid AA. I feel like this could be a thing with maxing chilling touch, farming midas, getting aghs quickly might be a good build.
    - Safelane carry necro. I try to always play necro like this and bitches always take my lane =(

    Pale Mannie

      Necro safelane is normal


        I want to try 3 min roshan with ursa but i failed. Mid lone druid is really good. Get lvl 8 max bear and rabid. Start roaming and ganking like pudge but a lot easier

        Dire Wolf

          It should be but I don't think I've ever seen a necro safe laner other than the couple times I've done it. Usually team says go offlane and picks a hard carry or go support necro and won't let you safelane.

          Oh I also want to jungle enigma and solo roshan! Never done it.


            u can solo roshan as enigma very, very early

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                But HOW?

                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                    necro 3 lone
                    refresher tb
                    refresher pugna
                    no boots rapier first weaver
                    refresher mira oops i've already tried that
                    dagon rapier riki ofc

                    Boring, yea, but I want to try these.
                    btw thank me later about the necro lone druid but I think it's going to get nerfed.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      carry necro shit kappa

                      Dire Wolf

                        afk dotes is pretty much why no one gets to try anything non meta in 3k. Carry necro shit lol ok


                          Ages ago we gad a 5 man stack and drafted a pusher linup ->tped ad mid and got tower at -30 then went for rosh and got that at 10-20 after that the 6 min high ground siege was ez
                          This is pretty week now with the towers taking no dmg before 0:00 and giving half gold:(


                            Sounds cool, I've always wanted to try some 100% pusher stuff with heroes like Pugna or Jakiro as #1


                              i want to try no bear lone druid

                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                Mid pugna with aether lens, aghs, bstone, heart, dagger, boots of choice

                                sustainable healing
                                spammable ult

                                Swap Commends

                                  Medusa offlane ez -25


                                    Right click techies mid


                                      I've been liking offlane aura troll with necrobook. What do u guys think? Vlads drums AC etc etc

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      Dire Wolf

                                        medusa offlane with a legit baby sitter would be fine cus snake is so strong. But you need a disabler to protect her from dives while she is weak with no hp. Like medusa + earthshaker or lion maybe.


                                          Support morphling.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            finally get my necro carry match, 4-0-5 start, 12 min aghs, wand, phase boots, basilius, enigma dc's, we cant d high ground, slark leaves, gg =(



                                              -riki . I feel this could be a thing

                                              lm ao

                                                Puck right click build

                                                Reminder that puck has 1.7 bat


                                                  Veil+Ethereal+Dagon+Octarine+Agh Necro! Yea shoot them bitches down.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    how bout an oracle right click build?

                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                      Tinker aether lens , veil , agha stand behind spam rocket and March all day


                                                        warlock mid is a common Thing asia (look at mvp a few months ago) and aa mid was also run quite lot by dendi. Sf safelane can work but he is really weak and most likely to die and carry necro doesnt offer you as much as other carrys could. the Ultra agressive offlen works, but only if you get These kills otherwise you will be way to far behind.


                                                          Oracle has 1.4 BAT. I guess you know what Im at. In RGC Dota1 Oracle used to be a carry as in mjollnir skadi build

                                                          Your Wife's Boyfriend


                                                            This is literally the only viable necro build if you add blink or eventually lothar. Most of the time you don't have the money for veil octarine before the game is over.

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              Vengeful Spirit with Aghs + Nightstalker with Aghs, scary swaps at night time


                                                                The 5 man bird bomb strat where entire team gets Boots of Travel and TPs to beastmaster's Hawk to gank people. Works a bit better with a lifstealer already in the hawk