General Discussion

General DiscussionWon First Very High Skill Game

Won First Very High Skill Game in General Discussion

    Started a new account to try new things without doing anything stupid to screw up my main account.
    Focused on 2 things:
    BH + Drums + Orchid + Dagon = pretty much shut down other team's farm. Was constantly fining low HP heroes with great escape, so I used this build and dominated.
    Turns out, I ended up winning my very first VHS game! No idea why I can't seem to do it on my normal account though. I got carried by PA, but I don't mind too much, I can't ever seem to do that much damage as a Puck.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Mike Wazowski..!



        Good job man

        Positive Mental Atitude

        King of Low Prio

          you cant do it on your main account because you are not grouped with all the other braindead smurfs on your main account

          kukuna kino

            ^ this


              @King of Low Prio
              Actually, in the VHS game that I won, only 1 player on the other team was a smurf. The others had at least 1500 games, up to 3000 games.

              King of Low Prio

                Unranked VHS is not actual VHS, low 3ks can get bumped up occasionally. I have low unranked mmr and my girl has low 2k and we get normal,high and vh matches playing unranked.

