General Discussion

General DiscussionProfessional Picks

Professional Picks in General Discussion

    So the Starladder just ended , and man it was 1 hell of a tournament . From Alliance under performing to OG almost making it to the finals and the exciting play by Na'Vi the entire series . Ultimately the new boys Vici Gaming Reborn won the whole thing .
    We did see some fun and maybe even odd picks . Such as Miracle on Sand King and General as Puck . But other than that it was the same old picks just different strats .
    Which brings me to this , where are the Meepo and Techies pickers of the world ? I know it might be hard to play but hell wouldn't that be the most fun to watch ?
    What heroes would you love to see played in the pro scene ?
    Mine are Meepo and Sand King.
    What are yours ?

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        No, Techies would not be fun to watch.
        Some might even say it would be the reverse.

        Free 2 Play Scootz

          Techies is actually pretty entertaining to watch when you play him right.


            Miss storm spirit picks


              Pit Lord! 4Head


                Storm spirit and sf


                  Techies is hell to play with , but damn fun to watch !


                    I miss Pudge though ......


                      Sf and visage ;-; i miss visage


                        I believe one day SF will return to the pro scene and become 1tier pick but till then fck OD AND SPECTRE PICKERS

                        Fee Too Pee

                          Huskar :(

                          the Goat

                            @Stabdin.JOEMAMA yes i hope sf will return in pro scene

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              OP, after all that entertaining positioning and jungling plays off of heroes like batrider, Qop, prophet, enchant, puck, etc., your takeaway was "Yeah, needs more Meepo and Techies"?

                              Wtf is wrong with you.


                                Bitch I said it was an awesome tournament and the strats they used and drafting was really good . I just hope 1 day they'll include newer and fresher heroes into the scene you dimwitted donkey faced uptight dick .
                                I mean come on , who doesn't want to see Dendi on Pudge again ?


                                  Pudge all day long @


                                    Pudge, techies, mirana, aa are hazardous heroes. People that play them well still rely on luck to fulfill these heroes, and in dota, I hate luck. A looser can land hooks and arrows while a pro may miss a lot, so these are crap tard heroes...