General Discussion

General DiscussionTalent in dota2~

Talent in dota2~ in General Discussion

    practise make perfect, train more to improve, hv a look guy

    with over 9k+ matches , still in normal skill bracket n yet below 50% wr ... so i guess they hv no talent XD

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Livin' Real Good

      Seeing that guy with 2.5K TA matches made my head hurt. Crazy, no idea what runs in these players minds, very interesting.

      D the Superior
        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

          Hate to admit it...but i think i'm following their footsteps. just no talent at all. Can't stomp normal skills bracket.


            Watch miracle = stomp people. Stomp people = 3K ++++...


              Maybe they just play dota for fun, the way games are supposed to be played?


                Everybody has their limitation so that's why some ppl that have more 3k games but still in normal skill ...they might be very knowledgeable about the game but they lack mechanical skill (every individual has different mechanical skill) u Can train your mechanical skill but it wont improve as much compared to your knowledge of the game cause we human have limitation ...for example a 30 year old man plying this game might be very knowledgeable about the game but he lack reaction time and this will effect his gameplay


                  Or maybe 30 year old man has the game knowledge but simply doesn't give a shit? I can assure you I still rape just about anyone in fps shooters, proving all the idiots claiminh the reaction time decreases with age wrong, but play dota lying down, picking random hero and usually tilting when I see the misery I am expected to play with.

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                    D the Superior
                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                      lm ao

                        nice profile kitrak-senpai~

                        D the Superior
                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                          lm ao

                            ugly anthropomorphic abomination


                              yea we play dota for fun ... but after play for so long time still cant stomp some pub n keep get stomping is not fun at all lol .. GREEN DAY XD

                              D the Superior
                                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                  mmr is just a number


                                    I mean that when u get older your reaction and other physical attributes lessen

                                    Thier are limitation that's why we are human we improve from what we are bad in. If there were no limitation all of us can became 8k MMR cause we would all the same . That's why some ppl are good at sports and some just suck.You were born that way but that doesn't mean u change it..U can improve your skill but it will never be as good as others.


                                      hey guys need help, im stuck in shitty 3.8, i do reach 3.9, but averages 3.8, well my TBD was 4k, im always VERY HIGH SKILL, yes ALWAYS, in solo MMR, but i dont seem to overcome this trench, ive been in this for over 6 months already. I know i can do much better but some advise? from the more experienced?


                                        I've been playing dota 1 for 7 years now, with 20.000 games under my belt. A month ago i switched to dota2. I must say that i've seen many cases like that you posted, 10k+ games and still bad, in dota 1, even i have a real life friend who plays dota for 10 years and is still super low. But i don't think you should judge anyone, it all depends how every person approaches dota. One guy might want to get 7k and become pro, the other wants to have fun after work. As for talent, i feel like "talent" in dota is nothing more than an raw IQ, since mechanical skills are something that can be learnt. So decision making, predicting enemy moves, being aware of 100 things at every moment of the game and generally being smart is what is making the difference between 8k pro with 3k games and normal skill player with 3k games. I feel somewhat sorry for those 10k+ games ppl that are still bad, but if they are having fun and enjoying the game, who am i to judge them, in the end we are all doing things that we enjoy, being good or bad at them.