General Discussion

General DiscussionPredictions on next patch?

Predictions on next patch? in General Discussion

    Does anyone have any predictions on what heros are going to be buffed and spammed every game? No need to mention the ones being hit with the Nurf bat. We all know who those will be.


      I just hope they will somehow nerf the push heavy meta, I mean pick furion, lycan and chen, win the game in 20 minutes, the bloody summoned and neutral units are so tough there is no way to deal with them. Also I hope there will be certain buffs to heroes we don't see as much, from the top of my head bristle, axe, qop, storm, et, sf even though I don't like playing vs them. Also hoping in them somehow change the current pace of the game, increase tp / bb cooldowns and rework faerie fire / mango so they work similar to bottle, not instant regen. Reliable gold and base hp increase was amazing idea, lowering price on boots not as much since that benefits cores more. If OD doesn't get nerf to his int steal I honestly think icefrog is mentally challenged, look at slark's stat steal and realise how op it is once he gets fat, and he only steals 1 per hit and is melee. Invoker is ok, maybe lower the emp strength a little and rework cold snap. New item for cores to increase magic resistance would be nice, since it is really sad if you have to pick pos1 and your only choice is huskar or am, considering enemy picked 5 heavy casters.
      Well, can't wait to see what they prepare for us!

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        storm will get buffed and sf
        basically you will be able to first pick more heroes without losing the game by first picking them...

        Pale Mannie

          buff stupid shiny horse pls

          lm ao

            wat, this meta as a whole is the most balanced and complex state of dota rn.


              New hero next patch!

              Also I hope for massive craggy exterior buffs because it's really meh since the nerf

              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                Sniper will get nerfed. I think they may reduce the range on his ultimate and reduce his attack range

                Swap Commends

                  Buff axe and centaur

                  stupid fuck 2000

                    pls bring storm back ZIP ZAP


                      Warlock will get some kinda of full-retard buff making him the next invoker-mid-every-game-instalock hero.

                      The build will still be midas rush and ags.


                        Nerf the comeback mechanics? I have won games recently that should not have been won, and lost games that should not have been lost. 1 death of your carry can mean the end for your team. Broken as hell.


                          Buff storm nerf od

                          Tu tayta

                            Just buff everyone but Invoker, OD and Earth Spirit


                              New item that can manasteal
                              You hit the enemy but you dont damage their hp just the mana
                              25% of your main stats will be the damage in their mana and you steal 50% on it
                              Then you can upgrade it with lifesteal mask making you both steal hp and mana everyhit


                                ^ dusa item :P
                                why everyone wants storm buffed? hes annoying as hell

                                House Cat

                                  New skill for Shadow Fiend :D the Presence of the Dark Lord is shitty late game with all heroes having 20+ armor hahaha


                                    delete invoker


                                      delete ivk n technies, nerf omni


                                        Yeah, forgot comeback mechanics. I know a lot of seasoned dota players praise it a lot, it can be a very good idea in competitive dota but in a regular dota, you win early game with a display of skill, outplay their mid big time, gank, roam, then you get caught off and you just fed 1000 gold. Not even mentioning you get a killing spree, invest in tp, go and gank their support and get measly 200 for it, so you would of been better off just staying and farming lane creeps.


                                          I think a slight nerf to comeback mechanics would be okay. Removing it completely would be a terrible idea and would kill most lategame carries and make early push/deathball the only viable strategy.

                                          Also really hoping for a massive buff to Shadow Demon and the other forgotten heroes.


                                            ^ i agree, you cannot just nerf comeback without nerfing deathball heroes