General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT to go

WHAT to go in General Discussion

    Solo melee hero against tri lane with hard stuns or slows ex: Spark cm sk, viper/slardar . What to do if you go they will kill you. Do you go jungle, what ???


      Abandon the cancer lost lane and jungle or... ??? If team mates don't rotate what to do


        If u are carry and can barely even get exp off that lane, just abandon it and go to jung or swap with offlaner


          try to switch with your offlaner or sap xp and hope that they attempt some ridiculous shit that you can capitalize on


            and buy an iron talon asap


              u mean this game?
              its fairly simple, you just play like you are playing the offlane

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                If you can't get farm, try to at least get exp. If you can't do even that, then just make sure the supports are busy on you so your other lanes have an advantage.


                  Thank you for replies ..

                  Dire Wolf

                    Leave lane sometimes. I first picked jug last night, our follow up picks were NP, a random BS, offlane pudge, mid OD last pick. BS and NP both went jungle lol. So I was solo vs arc warden and skywrath, impossible lane, that arc slow is very strong cus you stay back you get slowed and die. So I had to be out of xp range. Eventually I just left and went to pudges lane.