General Discussion

General DiscussionCan comm abuse reports actually do something?

Can comm abuse reports actually do something? in General Discussion

    I reported this guy for giving me death threats and other obscene phrases and he's still not muted.

    I'm not saying we should be like League, that's too strict and babies the players way too much. A bit of trash talk is perfectly healthy.

    But death threats over a video game isn't. That's just fucking messed up.


      Don't play with me then.

      Death threats and slaughtering kid jokes is my native tongue


        Создай новый аккаунт, братан. Ты на этом далеко не уйдешь, играя в нормал скилле.


          I report people for communication abuse when they're giving up, like saying gg or afk or anything like that and get feedback 90% of the time.


            Maybe it's more than a video game to that guy. Have you ever thought about that? Stop being so selfish.

            < blank >
              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                Well he has no right to give anyone death threats. If you take a video game so seriously you think ppl should die for it, then you should leave the internet until you're ready to handle the internet.


                  Maybe you should leave the Internet for a while. It's a common thing for people to tell you to die and if you can't handle it go away. I see it quite often but I don't cry about it.


                    If you're whinning about how people are talking to you, maybe you shouldn't Internet till your balls drop

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      "If you're whinning about how people are talking to you, maybe you shouldn't Internet till your balls drop"

                      Well, if you're "whinning" about how people are losing an online video game for you, maybe you shouldn't Internet till your balls drop, huh?


                        I ain't whinning, I'm telling you to grow a pair and take the mute like a man.

                        I get muted every other game, yet u don't see me complaining


                          fight me irl u fukn nerd

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            I wonder why you get muted every other game, axaxa))


                              Alright folks, calm down, no need to be so personal


                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ is such a little bitch, he's crying about people telling him to kill himself. Clearly if someone is telling you to do that there is a reason


                                  34% winrate RikiLMAO player


                                    Is there a game you play WITHOUT a dagon? It's no wonder people give you death threats. Dagon on Riki, Dagon on Ember, Dagon on every hero you play. There are other items out there and also a lot of videos on Youtube for you to watch and learn a hero. Don't get me wrong. I'm not even good at Dota, not even close, but Dagon on every hero you play is just a new level of retard (no offence intended).

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      Dagons help me get the gold I need to buy other items like shadow blade and rapier.


                                        @mods can we now post death threats on phantom riki posts since they trigger him or is that ban territory?

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          Don't get me wrong, I don't get upset about it, I just think it's really messed up and I'd respect you less as a person.


                                            We as the dotabuff community have 0 respect for you russian riki 34% winrate boy.
                                            Sorry but that is the sad truth.

                                            黑人  Alpha Cure Mom

                                              Keep calm remember its just a game :)
                                              Just enjoy :D

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                Its ok, I'm famous)) I am happy with that))


                                                  Dagon doesn't help you with shit nor does it help the team when a fight happens (unless you are playing Dagon carrying heroes like Tinker, Puck, etc). How about you learn how to last hit to get gold instead of relying on kill stealing to get gold? The only reason you are getting kills is because the people you play with are idiots who don't buy wards/detection (and your winrate kind of says a lot even though you have high kills). Getting kills is not going to win you games. Taking out throne does. Go watch this and learn.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    I'm famous, I'm happy


                                                      If I were you, I rather not be famous than to be famous for being an idiot that no one will remember 2 minutes later. Guess there is no helping you.

                                                      D the Superior
                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                                        muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                          This phantom riki is fun to watch :) .atleast dont be very rude on him, everyone has human right to express their feeling lol

                                                          Venus, MBA

                                                            If you want to play just Riki and build just Dagons and rapiers, who are we to stop you? Hell, I'm sure half of the people complaining about Phantom Riki are just Invoker spammers who haven't ever had him in their games before.



                                                              Well said hate slave. Well said.


                                                                Report them for racism. I've reported several people who were mean to me and said they were racist even if they actually weren't and the reports have gone through. It looks like they have a filter which checks if you use the word or something.


                                                                  commit suicide


                                                                    Best solution is to commit suicide. This way you wont have to face the bullies on the internet.


                                                                      Communication abuse reports work, that's a fact. However, we all have bad games and for some of us the tilt is too real. There's this nifty feature called mute that is accessible to all players when those players (including myself) get out of hand. I'd also ask yourself as a player,"Did I do something to offend this guy?"

                                                                      Based upon your past games I'd say yes. We have no idea of what kind of personality you have in-game, but the items you deem "core" are DR, Dagon, and Shadow Blade. You are building Shadow Blade on Riki, that's super offensive dude. I'd sure as hell flame you all the way to LP.

                                                                      Really hope this is some account you use to troll DotaBuff.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        I love how 2k and 3k normies are flaming poor 1k guy that at least has fun in the game. He is a simple man, he plays the game for FUN. You guys try as if you were to become the next RTZ whereas in reality the majority of u have been playing for over 5 years and still didn't succeed to hit the 4K rating (besides smurfing ofc). Ask yourself: "When was the last time I actually played this game and had FUN? When did I feel joy?" There is your answer. If you ask me, this Fantom Riki russian cancer dude has FUN in ALL of his games and I love him for that. Running around the map dagoning people out of the shadows? Hitting people from invis and then using Shadow Blade to go invis instantly again? This fella is a genious. GL HF <- Try to grasp the meaning boiz and girlz.

                                                                        great expectations



                                                                            Go watch a game of his and then tell me he's a genius.


                                                                     people report you for being a retard


                                                                                @skim please stop threads like this to stop growing

                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                  Report them for racism. I've reported several people who were mean to me and said they were racist even if they actually weren't and the reports have gone through. It looks like they have a filter which checks if you use the word or something.

                                                                                  Sometimes there is racism. This happened to one of my games.

                                                                                  Earthshaker: hola
                                                                                  Earthshaker: Alguien de peru?
                                                                                  Invoker: bye
                                                                                  Invoker has disconnected from the game. Please wait for them to reconnect.
                                                                                  Invoker has 5 minutes to reconnect.
                                                                                  Invoker has abandoned the game.
                                                                                  The game is safe to leave and will not be scored.