General Discussion

General DiscussionI cant see cirle, that show limit cast range of skill.

I cant see cirle, that show limit cast range of skill. in General Discussion

    I cant see the range of skill when I hover my mouse cursor over the ability icon (I mean circle, which show limit cast range of skill).
    Ex: When hover mouse over Hook of Pudge, I cant see circle show limit of cast range (for any skill from any hero) :(

    P/s: I use Window 7, 32 bit. With the same setting, in other computer, I can see that cirle ((. Please help me, or help me report to valve. I dont know, how to report this to Vavle.

    Thank you!


      it might be an update-related bug


        I just wanted autocast and quickcast + normal cast back QQ


          I mean this cirle :(


            Have you checked you option menu ? I think i remember you can turn it on/off there (the range thingy).


              I checked. With the same options, on other computer the green circle show ( I think we need modify in console, but I dont know any command in console (


                Is this the circle for when you hover over the skill or the custom static circle that just appears around the hero?

                (Because they took out the latter one a long time ago)


                  :( I dont know why I cant see this cirle (


                    Up. Pls help me! It's uncomfortable when play with out this circle (