General Discussion

General Discussion4.2k solo here, and I need tips

4.2k solo here, and I need tips in General Discussion

    As you can see by my most recent games, I am completely fucked. I went from being 4380 to 4207. Any tips on how to raise it back? Also, I get paired with the most useless teammates ever who first pick core roles and sniper. Really need tips


      4-5k mmr bracket is where supports mainly make the difference. Here almost every carry is decent so its up on supports to:

      1) outzone enemy offlaner
      2) harass enemies
      3) stack/pull camps
      4) generally make sure that your carries farm ezily
      4) attempt ganks with smoke
      5) walk towards the lane, NOT TPING, and keeping tp to help your teammates on other lanes if needed.
      6) save your teammates using force staff or glimmer cape. Maybe rush Schyte if u are ahead for more lockdown?

      Generally people tend to tilt very ez on this bracket, so putting some early aggresion is usually more than enough. And ofc playing meta heros.

      PS. Its very ez to win with 2 supps rather than eg. 2-1-1 + jungler

      btw. - 180 is not tragic. I went from 4.1 to 3.3 and now to 4.5 k.

      recommended sups: Lich(offlane dual), Omni(with OD best), Shadow Shaman, CM(with sven, spectre or ck).

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        First pick sniper before they do, if it's all pick.


          being good and winning games might help, but im not sure, havent tried it myself

          Fee Too Pee

            ^ how you got down so far man , that was a lot of match 4.1 to 3.3 feelsbadman.
            maybe learn pick offlaner , other than carry since carry at your mmr already decent?
            strong offlaner like LC , Abaddon , undying that will a douchebag for enemy safe lane , giving ur safe lane advantage
            i picked offlaners and going kinda well


              Well one thing is for sure valveeee is rigging matches i can see ur experiencing red days... same here from 75 winrate down to 46% ...seeeeyet! fak!


                4380 to 4207

                wow what a drop

                < blank >

                  WHat a disastaaa


                    im back and grinded even more to 4.5 k. I was drunk playing for a couple of days lol so it wasnt that much about skill.


                      Im not near 4.2k MMR, but I can tell ya that being a good offlaner helps.
                      I recently put time into learning it, and have recently dominated with several different offlaners. In the past week I have several winning streaks from 5-9 games in a row as an offlaner or pugna mid. Seems if you know what you are doing in the offlane, and have good map awareness, you can wreck their carry's farm and secure a good early lead for your team.


                        ^ point about decent offlaner is that he force enemies to help their safelane carry = more space for your carry.

                        If they fail to gank u, they lose more time and your team gains more advantage over time.


                          im 4.5k and in my experience positive mental attitude is the best way to raise ur mmr
                          if u pair it with od or invo or some shit..

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა