General Discussion

General DiscussionSo Trump rallies are fun, eh? (a solemn request)

So Trump rallies are fun, eh? (a solemn request) in General Discussion

    This debate is getting tense...ill just be here reading the comments don't mind me

    lm ao

      Ahh muh libruls

      < blank >

        CHINA has a wall and there are no Mexicans, USA has no wall but there are Mexicans

        So what do we learn from this?


          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Normal Skill, is from Philippines, uses meme arrows on places outside of the cesspool of the Internet. Don't even bother.



              Let's prove Trump is not a moderate or a sane person first.

              * Accusing President of being an illegal.

              "An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud"

              We know what happened next, he was literally shamed in front of the entire White House when Obama revealed his certificate.

              * Building a wall.

              “I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”

              First off, Mexico has clearly said that they won't pay for the wall. The estimates range about 26 bil. $, Trump claimed only 4$ around. A fact-finding committee found that management of the wall would exceed the cost of the wall within 7 years. Now, imagine that much strain on the economy and you know where the money is coming from right? Your pockets.

              * Rapists are always Mexican

              “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”

              Immigrants are already accused of crimes they didn't commit and there's a staggering 43% rate where they were accused of something they didn't commit.
              Nice racial slur, I guess his supports support it too.

              * Black = Thugs

              “Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.”

              So, I guess, Black Lives Matter was a group of thugs trying to bring "INNOCENT" policemen to justice, cool.

              * I'm rich, yo bitches.

              “The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”

              I guess, Trump supporters are too dumb to understand that it simply meant how insignificant money they had but their primitive brains can't comprehend that, sad.

              * Global warming is a necessity.

              “It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!”

              Okaaaaaay. Wait, sorry you guys don't know what's global warming. Oh wait, you're the same people as the "Earth is Flat"? No wonder.

              * Who to date?

              "I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

              Not creepy at all. :)

              * Well documented.

              “My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.”

              Not creepy at all. :)

              * “You’re disgusting.”

              To put this into context, Donald Trump said this to the opposing lawyer during a court case when she asked for a medical break to pump breast milk for her three-month-old daughter.

              * "The point is, you can never be too greedy."

              Yep, he's definitely "for" the poor. LOL.

              * "My IQ is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure; it's not your fault."

              Yeah, we understood that when you said we need global warming.


                and keep that bullshit list off the site, it's a list of shell companies to move funds from one of his companies to another.

                he's declared insolvency so many times that you get 2 million google results.

                pls dude no bullshit. :)


                  Rofl, from your wall of text it seems quite obvious you don't even understand what "moderate" means. It's fine, we understand you'd like to rip people's quotes out of context to interpret them in the way that fits your narrative because that's what the brainwashed libtards can only do.
                  P/S: Black Lives Matter is a movement funded by liberals and tailcoated by leftist thugs.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    "I hope Americans aren't stupid enough to elect trump" - way to feel smart and smug about being better than Americans without needing them to actually do anything dumb. Just pre-empt and if it's wrong then you still get to say that you got what you 'hoped' for! It's genius! Either way, you get to be smug! Wow!


                      America's recognising gay marriage, made meaningful headway on public health insurance, has immigration issues that dwarf anything the EU has dealt with in recent times (don't even try to compare your stupid refugee 'flood' nonsense with illegal Mexican immigration), is still the centre for secular academic research, saw past their prejudices and elected a black man, all the while having fewer restrictions on big business lobbying and funding. When was the last time any other western nation achieved reform on this level in recent times? You all laugh at America's health system whilst forgetting that if you didn't already have such a system in place, there's no way in hell any of your nations would have majority support for one.

                      At least America is honest about its issues. Americans see their problems. Everyone else? They also see America's problems, not their own, because they're too busy feeling smug.


                        I guess you don't know enough english to comprehend the wall of text given from your response.

                        Idk what you mean by out of context either because I'm pretty sure anyone else would be able to understand what that meant.

                        Black Lives Matter is a movement funded by liberals and tailcoated by leftist thugs.

                        He insulted someone on live television and you think that's justified. He made fun of a woman's menstrual cycle, do you think that it dignifies your country to vote for such a person?
                        You were born from a mother's womb and it's her position he insulted that day and you're fine with it?
                        I hope you're not a misogynist piece of shit like him.

                        I see the problems in my country and we do our best to try to solve them or move on with it. You think Trump is the solution to your problems? Go ahead, elect him but he won't get the Republic nomination and if he wins, I hope your primitive brains can understand the faults which it made.
                        I'm not here to advocate anyone just saying Trump is a sucky person that's all.
                        You think I'm being smug? Nope, trying to make my point get across, I don't hate Americans, I don't have prejudices or anything.


                          "It's not surprising that people who regurgitates mainstream liberal media's talking points about Trump are sub-50% winrate Normal Skillers." Since when political ideas are tied to dota's win rate and skill bracket?

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            I was just wondering if you guys do not support trump what candidate do you support...just asking for fun :)

                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა


                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                lm ao

                                  OMG can you guys just fucking see how bad of an idea if Trump bags the fucking office of the president of fucking Merica?

                                  Look at him his a fucking multi-billionaire businessman is he really willing to leave all his fortune out to divestment hell and take this fucking office cause he just used to dream of being president as a little boy

                                  SMH SMH SMH


                                    Obama has def let race effect his presidency . Some of the people killing cops actually think he endorses this . I work in a very professional environment , and even then it's crazy how if it is one of the black peoples turn to do something like cover lunches they reply I am making them do it becuase they are black, when actaully everyone else has already covered and it is just there turn . I don't know why everything has to be about race . Should just be about working hard . Funny thing is the big boss of the area is black and they still say this . This entitlement stuff needs to stop . I base everything off work not color of skin , however I would be lying if making everything about race didn't bother me , I don't let it influence my actions at work though . I actaully have to black female workers that work under me and one works hard and the other doesn't , so one gets praise and the other does only when they do somthing good but only then. Excuses only make you weaker .

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!


                                      Obama is moderate. There's no way you can spin it to make him seem like a radical liberal when he's more center-of-left.

                                      lm ao


                                        I'm Filipino = i probably dont know anything about real life
                                        = i have an IQ of less than 70. I also eat juicy bugs on rice.
                                        = i live in a cave. who is fucking trump, ah hes a meme on the net. everyone grab your pitchforks we have sum burning to do!!!!1111111!!!!!!!!!!1!!

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                        lm ao

                                          Uzbekistan XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


                                            guys, with all your self confident statements, have u heard of dunning kruger?

                                            lm ao

                                              Is it a brand of beer? xD

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                The man is the most moderate candidate of the Republican party

                                                I don't care if he's moderate, liberal or conservative.

                                                I think he's a hatemonger.

                                                There are liberal hatemongers too, by the way. And I dislike them as much as I dislike Trump.


                                                  he's a moderate
                                                  he's pro-life
                                                  he's for the rich
                                                  he's a racist
                                                  he's a misogynist
                                                  he's xenophobic

                                                  ROFL he's moderate

                                                  he's not a human

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    Oh my

                                                    People using IQ tests to actually measure intelligence

                                                    " Donald trump is a moderate "

                                                    " fucking libruls "

                                                    " BLM = leftist thugs "

                                                    ay holy shit I am dying

                                                    pst, muricans, the democratic party is a moderate/center-right party, the republican party is a far right party. You guys lack a legit left-wing party.

                                                    Clinton is a moderate, not Trump.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Hillary " palestine should stop inciting violence against the poor poor israel " Clinton

                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                        You just generalized black people as they are too lazy to cover breaks and in the same paragraph complain about everyone making race a issue.


                                                          Wow a political debate on Dotabuff, I can't wait.

                                                          My two cents, the media is massively left wing, also massively weak pandering to the safe spaces of sensitive individuals. Political correctness is weakening us as humans and Trump basically just says whats on everyone's minds. People are scared, confused, and the last poster child they voted in did basically **** all. People are (for the most part) curious as to what he's gonna do cause he speaks to the simpleton, no cloak and dagger, no two-faced agendas, he just says whats on his mind and people like that.

                                                          People hate Trump with no legitimate need to, he has the highest ethnic vote of any republican for like a couple decades and I think people here "Trump is racist" on the news so basically get it inforced in their minds that that's what they should parrot to be not seen as a person who's worse than hitler.

                                                          Again, I am not a fan of trump but I am a fan of critical thinking, and parroting left wing dominated media isn't a good way to draw on ones opinions. Considering the State of a lot of the US maybe they just might need a businessman, and the devils advocate to pull it all back together if even for a time.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            "People hate Trump with no legitimate need to"

                                                            Trump is not real he says what he needs to say to get votes. Anyone who says the mainstream US media is massively left wing(at best Democrats are moderate with a slight lean to the left while republicans are deep right) is a total and complete idiot (while I didnt always agree with Havoc I did not think you where this stupid).

                                                            If you where a 'fan of critical thinking' you would also realize that right wing extremists are a far greater threat to Americans than Muslim extremists BUT somehow he chooses to skip over that fact.

                                                            Also I dont get where you get your information from but every single Democratic nominee beats Trump in a general election and these idiots who do not understand how US elections work just see Trump winning republican primaries and think hes captured a large pocket of the population when hes only winning with republicans because he is going against a bunch of clowns.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              "left wing dominated media"

                                                              Yeah no, the media only really cares about profit, and that profit comes from either: 1) clickbait 2 ) pandering to the demographic that browses the internet the most ( college american white kids ).

                                                              Thats why you see things like feminism, safe space, cultural apropiation, etc ... so much in the media, it sells, either by pandering to those that already agree with them or by getting clicks from really angry people.

                                                              However more important things like US imperialism, taxes, education and healthcare, Israel, Capitalism, etc the media wont really touch. It isnt clickbait and it goes against the mainstream " progresism " of america.

                                                              Which is funny cause those are the kind of things that leftists outside of America care about, not gender neutral language trigger warnings and that fluffy shit that the self proclaimed "leftists" liberals in America like to talk about so much.

                                                              Political correctness is not the core of leftist thought. In fact it benefits capitalists way more. Check Zizek to see a marxist against poliitical correctness, and he isnt the only leftist to talk against it.

                                                              Going back to Trump, there is no denying that he did bigoted comments, if he believes them or he made them to get attention is another thing. In fact I really think Trump is all bark and no bite, if he gets ellected he is just going to be like any other republican.

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                > (while I didnt always agree with Havoc I did not think you where this stupid).

                                                                Yeah I really like Havoc but that was a pretty bad political commentary.

                                                                Anyway to expand on the point I made before, check the US media: Salon, Jezzbel, Gawker ( RIP ), huffington post, they all share the same liberal feminist political correct point of view, to call that leftist media is an insult to actual leftists.

                                                                For fuck sake jezzbel basically called woman who voted for sanders gender traitors, they actually believed that it was better to have an warmonger like Clinton as a president because she was a woman than an actual social democrat like sanders.

                                                                This stupid fucking media created a new wave of reactionary youth just to get clicks, fuck them.


                                                                  Trigger warning: I think trigger warnings are complete bullshit and I'm about to share why.

                                                                  Political correctness is weakening us as humans

                                                                  The above statement is overly simplistic. I don't think it's 100% wrong, but it's not 100% right, either. I certainly agree that there are a lot of ways in which political correctness can go wrong and in which being pathologically oversensitive can be destructive.

                                                                  A really simple example of this is Huckleberry Finn. That's a historical book that has a lot of racist shit in it. I would absolutely agree that trying to edit it because it's "triggering" is a gigantic pile of horse shit, and that it's actively destructive to culture and history to try to do so.

                                                                  Do not use the n-word. That is not negotiable. At the same time, do not edit Mark Twain. That is also not negotiable. We can have it both ways.

                                                                  This is a really good essay on the topic: Life Is "Triggering." The Best Literature Should Be, Too.

                                                                  I will say this: I'm a feminist, I think sexism is real and is pervasive. I'm an anti-racist, I think racism is real and is pervasive. On both sides, people can make things far, far too binary. The way I see it is: there are a lot of groups of people that have historically been persecuted in a way that was very invisible to the rest of the world. Rather than fight their persecution, they lived, suffered, and sometimes died in hiding. Telecommunications in particular has allowed us to communicate these completely real and totally valid struggles that really do happen. And yes, we really do need to do our best to listen to people.

                                                                  But as with all things in life, some people are good at parsing these issues, and some people aren't. A lot of what gets criticized with respect to social justice is, quite frankly, not social justice. This is a really good piece on the topic: How to Tell the Difference Between Real Solidarity and ‘Ally Theater’. Basically, in a nutshell, a lot of the overly PC stuff you see is people who really are full of shit, because their interests lie not in solving real problems, but because they want to get false praise from other people involved in the theater of looking compassionate, without doing anything that's actually compassionate.

                                                                  The idea that you're either liberal and you think everything should be PC or you're conservative and you must be a racist is a dangerous idea. I'm staunchly and proudly liberal and I won't be ashamed to use that term because some people think it's dirty. I believe strongly in progressivism and civil rights. But that doesn't mean that everything should be sugar coated and culture should take no risks.

                                                                  In short: if you identify as conservative, do not label all liberals as overly sensitive crybabies. If you identify as liberal, do not label all conservatives as intolerant bigots. Nothing will ever be accomplished if we can only see each other as being either blood brothers or mortal enemies. Reality is far more nuanced.

                                                                  Trump basically just says whats on everyone's minds

                                                                  that is not true. Trump does not say what's on my mind. I disagree strongly with most of what he says. Yes, he may say what is on your mind, but that is not necessarily what is on everyone's mind.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    its getting intense. everyone can argue on their on prespective but u still can found crack on a polished diamond, nobodys perfect. Let see how this shit happen, but i dont care LOL.


                                                                      honestly if you think he's a normal person you're wrong, he's either purposely childish or he's an asshole who cannot stand any opposition. Either way he's not fit to be a candidate. Idk what's wrong with you but I've cited my quotes whereas you pull your logic out of thin air.


                                                                        ^ @Havoc


                                                                          when buzzfeed understands but these crap muricans don't

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            I would agree it's extremely simplistic cause I don't know why anyone would have a complex political discussion on a Dota2 forum, of course there are a lot of variables and using a wide paintbrush approach is never a good idea.

                                                                            Modern day "progressiveness" is killing our ability to think for ourselves and we will just follow what we're told is socially acceptable.



                                                                                It's bound to happen when you've established yourself as a hatemonger.
                                                                                Also, don't forget that he's often hired parts of campuses for his rallies and students of those campuses come to protest. He has no right to kick them out.
                                                                                Not to mention, he's already said outrageous stuff. This is one police officer who managed to get lucky to visit one of the places where the supporters, Trump and his management was decent.
                                                                                If an asshole were given 100 opportunities to be an asshole, he could easily miss one for no reason.

                                                                                waku waku


                                                                                    You want vids, I'll give you vids.
                                                                                    Sheriff Joes, his favourite policeman:


                                                                                    I've said enough about what he's said and if you were sane and if you respect women, I see no reason to vote for him.
                                                                                    Ffs pls don't try to convince me he's good. :)