General Discussion

General DiscussionSuggestions for most efficient hero in getting high KDA.

Suggestions for most efficient hero in getting high KDA. in General Discussion

    Just need suggestions :) I wanna try to play as a carry.
    TY in advance :D


      Spectre, no contest.

      Don't stop believin'

        should be spectre


          I see, I see... I do play spectre :3 but sometimes I just dont feel using her in a very disadvantageous situation.. what Im searching is someone who can kill enemies with not so much support needed, someone who can solo gank. ( playing in SEA server, you know how players play in that server </3 *Im also Filipino though :) )

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            If you just want getting high KDA it's actually not Spectre, it's Invoker.

            Get Exort at level 1 and stay at base sunstriking people. Even if you mis-time the last hit on hero, you'll go 0-0-1 and that's a perfect KDA before the system boots you out for inactivity.

            If you don't want to be booted out for inactivity, play Sniper. Build Shadow Blade and Blink dagger. Stay at least 2000 units away from the fight. Use ult to kill secure heroes. If you see enemies coming, go invisible with Shadow blade, or blink away with blink dagger. Don't die. Keep ulting.


              You have a great de-buffer, a leap ability, an ult that you can finish kills / escape with, and you generally buy either blink or shadow blade, both of which help you get kills and escape.

              Venus, MBA

                I like playing Clinkz and Morphling when I get to carry, but Spectre is a very good mmr farming tool right now.


                  check out the game impact table. spectre tops the kda list, but that's partly because spectre has a relatively low death rate. ursa and OD tend to get more kills, but they are tend to die slightly more.

                  it's worth noting that although the kda table closely resembles the win rate table, there are a few caveats. notably, weaver is 5th in kda, but 38th in win rate, presumably because of his relatively mediocre wave clearing and tower pushing potential.

                  having a high kda is nice, but having a high win rate is nicer.


                    ^wow, 1 staff join the forums, ur da real mvp. btw ask ur friend for join too on these forums. u know, its more enjoyable than just making a blogpost or banning shits


                      Zeus and Spectre.

                      Mr. Pickles



                          Niceee!! thanks for all the advice gonna go to custom lobby now to practice those suggested heroes :) <3


                            Ummm one more question umm favor rather any one whos always in very high skill go party with me :) and coach me please SEA server


                     here dude ... learn this stupid naga play ... full game farming 11kda


                                woah.. seriously how does KDA works in that naga match 1/1/10 = 11 KDA o_o
                                lemme learn this shit :DDD


                                  (kills + assists) / deaths


                                    Lc in SEA



                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        K+A/D if D > 0

                                        K+A/1 if D = 0.

                                        Spectre will usually have crazy amount of kills and assist and low deaths. Zeus can have lots of K and A but he's prone to feeding.


                                          spectre with haunt
                                          zeus with thundergod wrath
                                          tinker with missiles and marching machines


                                            Once Spectre ults anyone who dies in the next 27 seconds will give him an assist(or a kill). For Zeus it's 20 seconds(tho his ult has less cooldown).

                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                              The game impact table is overall for the hero.

                                              But if you play certain heroes certain ways it may vary very differently.

                                              For example, a stay-at-base sunstrike only Invoker will have perfect KDA every time, as opposed to the regular Invoker with the 2.91 KDA.

                                              Also why does it seem like every single hero gets more assists than kills on average?

                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                But why KDA? KDA and winning is different.

                                                If you really want perfect KDA just play a global hero where you can globally last hit people from base.

                                                Mors tua vita mea

                                                  Dont be noobshit, play many heroes like a real dota player


                                                    Lol. I don't why, but I tend to be rather underwhelming when I use spectre. #FeelsBadMan

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      HAHAHAHA #herospamspectre <3


                                                        Hard to carry spec when all of you are carry </3

                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                          Don't pick Spectre, just pick Blink Dagger/Shadow Blade ult-only Sniper, or Sunstrike only Invoker (preferrably with Blink dagger and Shadow blade to run away from fights). Or global ult Zeus (with blink dagger and shadow blade)

                                                          If you want perfect KDA that's the best.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            Zeus and Spectre have the highest KDA after every game here in dotabuff. I guess that accounts more due to their kill assists. YOu can get a decent kda for every hero if you are good enough tho.

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              @Poetry those are just averages of all the playstyles of those heroes.

                                                              But playstyle really matters.

                                                              A support spectre KDA will be much different from a hard carry spectre KDA.

                                                              Some playstyles of certain heroes are easier to get a good KDA as even if the average for the hero gets shitty KDAs.

                                                              Like blink dagger and Shadow blade Techies.


                                                                Your best bet is Zues, Spectre, or WK


                                                                  Zeus Spec nd WK... okayyyy :) thanks




                                                                      "For example, a stay-at-base sunstrike only Invoker will have perfect KDA every time, as opposed to the regular Invoker with the 2.91 KDA. "
                                                                      You know what? If I'm up against this kind of invoker, I'm going to dive the fountain and kill him as many times as possible, and his teammates are going to let me.


                                                                        dont die


                                                                          Dyying is life <3

                                                                          Jin Ayman Cheonhee

                                                                            Why so care about KDA instead of increasing your GPM, XPM and last hit or Solo MMR?
                                                                            Just wondering guys.. :)


                                                                              slark clinkz maybe morph these heroes have high surivability (even clinkz in lower mmrs wiht invisibility) and can get solo kills easily

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                6.12kda normal matchmaking suck it scrubs


                                                                                  Ember Spirit. But you should get some practice before you'll get high KDA. Anyway It's one of easiest ways to increase your KDA. You almost can not die (cause of remnant), and at the same time you're getting assists and kills with flame guard and fists.

                                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                                    Love dem spec, even got her soul diffuser, but mannn IMHO she is the MOST boring carry hero playwise man


                                                                                      The trick is simple - don't die and you will get high KDA. The most impact in KDA comes from deaths.
                                                                                      2/1/2 will give you 4.0 KDA but 8/4/8 will give you the same 4.0.


                                                                                        So high KDA is not about a hero, it's about play style.

                                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                          "For example, a stay-at-base sunstrike only Invoker will have perfect KDA every time, as opposed to the regular Invoker with the 2.91 KDA. "
                                                                                          You know what? If I'm up against this kind of invoker, I'm going to dive the fountain and kill him as many times as possible, and his teammates are going to let me."

                                                                                          By that time the Invoker would have enough gold for a shadow blade.


                                                                                            Yeah, shadow blade is so hard to counter................


                                                                                              Also, invoker with shadow blade roflmaofuckme

                                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                It is if you are in the enemy fountain. You can't survive long enough in enemy fountain if Invoker shadow blades.

                                                                                                If you have gem the fountain will kill you and you lose the gem, and it's probably not worth it just for 1 level 1 invoker.

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                  you're actually a fucking retard ^ you don't need shadowblade


                                                                                                    Sir Swirl and others... Ur actually phantom riki's biggest fanboys... u people just revived a 10day old thread where even the OP has moved on... and phantom riki has hijacked the autism inducing shit post

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                      arc and lone are also nice to get a high kda if u play safe and stay in your base 😄