General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to make it big in dota

How to make it big in dota in General Discussion

    Tips on how to be pro or how to be known?


      Play with pros.

      the realm's delight

        what is this like the 4th thread this week regarding this shit?

        the realm's delight

          be good at the game u fucking idiot


            bro be friendly ;) just play and improve in your every game *though its inevitable to have a very nice game everytime :) just learn in every game you play

            lm ao

              how to be known


              duh get to 9k or sumth


                get 8-8.5k mmr, its actually the simpliest way


                  This is the 4th this week already. OMG git gud and git real unless you can break it into top 100 among how many million of dota players don't even imagine taking this as a career. Maybe you can be caster or something, I don't know, but as a player? Tough luck.


                    Rofl like these threads bro ba ba bahahahahahah... do u even think bro? U want to go pro u need to be fucking good and not autistic toxic retard bro. U want to get noticed bro? Rape the leaderboard bro.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      get better than anyone else



                        Badman reached 8k and beyond and wasnt picked up or even looked at by a single pro team for a tryout. FeelsBADMAN


                          there were rumors that he was invited somewhere, but in any case he got 8k quite a short while ago (couple of months or smthng like that).


                            Badman is said to be toxic, so no one wants to pick him up


                              4Head Kappa

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                You can be known if you make a bunch of controversial forum posts.

                                And then after becoming more well known in the forums you start linking your stream and people will watch. Sometimes people might even spectate your games and stream them for you!


                                  PLease change your nick its to smiliar to Vrok.
                                  VROKS-NAKS Sounds exactly the same.