General Discussion

General DiscussionWe should have a report option for "KS" that does nothing.

We should have a report option for "KS" that does nothing. in General Discussion

    People who complain about KS are annoying, especially when they're support and you're carry.

    I don't know how many times either the support or tank accuses me of KS when I'm carrying the team and it's annoying.

    yung griphook

      If it bothers you to hear it then just mute your team

      < blank >

        You have to accept this and move on

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          It doesn't bother me to hear it. It bothers me to see that I have 6 reports in the last 25 games because I secure kills when I play carry. And then they tell their duo partner and their parties to all report me.

          And when 1 person tells others to report me for KS, other people are glad that there's someone to blame (if losing) and quickly jump on the bandwagon to blame me.

          And I know that KS is the reason, they explicitly say "report Riki for KS".

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            You should make it less obvious that you are trying to ks to avoid being reported.


              Ur gonna make a thread every day to say this or whaT?


                He's a troll with a lot of time to dedicate to being a troll I guess