General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of 2.8k as support?

How to get out of 2.8k as support? in General Discussion
Président® Salted Butter

    Ok, so, I won all 10 of my calibration games on a smurf account (I was 3.4k on my old account), got calibrated at 2.5k, then I just kept winning until I reached 3017 mmr. That's when the struggle started, and after that was wins and losses, mostly losses. I'm at 2.8k now, how can I get out? Also, how can I improve my playstyle as a support?


      play silencer "support"
      niggas in dat bracket be fighting all day long, no objectives watsoever, so all u have to do is live teamfights
      gradually stack up dem int > position 5 proceeds to be hard carry 10/10

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        how the hell did you won all your calibrated games and ended on 2.5


          Support is usually the least impactful role. All you have to do is buy wards, stun when needed and hope the morons who are playing cores can carry you.


            Watch pro players, in their player perspective, and look at their rotations, and positioning in teamfights.
            Rotate midlane, and gank the enemy mid a few times. Secure runes, and such for him. You'd essentially end up winning the lane for him everytime, and that alone already gives you a 55-60% chance of winning the game. Rinse, and repeat.
            I doubt supports under 4k would ever actually rotate to help their mid who's getting shut down by you

            Most people on here keep saying "play impactful heros" or try to think of ways where they would win themselves.
            Like, say if Im boosting a 3k mmr ID, I wouldn't be playing supports, since I'd be able to have a much higher impact by outplaying people while playing mid instead, but that doesn't apply to 99% of the people who post these threads, since you're at the mmr you belong in, and playing a more impactful role won't mean you'll climb any faster.

            Président® Salted Butter

              @(´・ω・`) I don't even know. What I do know is that I was matched up with 2k players during tbd, for some reason


                maybe u belong to the bottom 2k