General Discussion

General DiscussionOutworld Devourer OP!

Outworld Devourer OP! in General Discussion
pos 2 enjoyer

    What are ur thoughts about OD? is he good to spam to raise ur solo mmr? im 3.5k solo mmr and still using it everygame whenever it is mid or safelane.


      He's pretty strong, but nonetheless, still a glass cannon, kinda or borderline OP, but not totally gamebreaking.

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Yeah his pretty strong. Go for it

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
          pos 2 enjoyer

            but what do you think? is he good to spam?


              I wouldn't spam him especially if against a Nyx

              Fee Too Pee

                nyx not a really counter , nor a good pick and rare at ranked match. OD is totally abused and literally picked every single ranked games


                  yes, spam. every game. you can go safe or mid.

                  also if you have omni its a free win.

                  according to yasp the two are picked together in 1.3% of games and have a 65.24% winrate, if that doesn't smell like a can of spam to you, idk what does.

                  game is bad

                    Only broken with Omni. No Omni, he's just strong.


                      Only thing on him that needs the nerfhammer is his ult with Aghs, shouldn't lock everyone including invis heros in astral imprisonment.

                      The Joker

                        Get trapped in disruptor ultimate with omniknight + Heaven Halberd = He is !@#$ed up real good