You know what, I'm just gonna play riki myself and show you exactly how the hero should be played.
No it's not. Invis is his best spell.
Then his ult and w tied.
Then stats.
Then smoke.
To me any spell that doesn't do damage is bad.
YES IT DOES! smoke slows the enemy allowing you to get more hit off in your ult or anywhere else
It's also a super delayed skillshot.
if it wasn't actually delayed it might be more useful.
Фантом Рики!!!!! I am slowly getting better. Soon ill have crazy kda like you. I decided to go shitty RIki build but not as shitty as yours. Maybe i can slowly get win rate will be 50%. Just like you I will only brag about games I win where the other team has 1 or more players who abandoned.
^ Where's your rapier/dagon?
And where's your team's feeder?
And where's the teammates who decided to sit in base because you KS'ed them?
I did not get rapier/dagon because I was going for a shitty build but not your level of shitty. I still wanted to win a game to keep my win rate around 35% so it will be higher than yours but still very low
Well, where are your team feeders, and where are the teammates who sit in fountain because you KSed them?
Batrider has the rapier and dagon though.
By the way why does your main acc have only 41 games?
I dint have teammates who sat in fountain because I did not ks them. Lucky game I guess since I had no feeders.
Oh, how naive. You don't need to actually KS, you see. Every time you get a kill even if the teammate was half the map across from you, 50% chance to be flamed and they ragequit.
See, I was fighting the enemy Drow ranger as Riki, and Sniper ulted when she had 200 hp left from far away, but he miscalculated how much time it takes for his ult to go off, so I killed Drow first.
Damn, was Sniper mad!!!! He went AFK in fountain after that and typed all chat for everyone to report me.
That is weird because in all the games I played, I never hear people cry about ks. They just report me when I choose to feed on purpose and feed courier lol. Guess I'm just lucky to have people play with me who don't care about kills.
In my games they cry about KS every game because they don't have MMR to show their skill, they are unranked player so they just prove skill through kills.
I can't wait to keep losing so I can drop to 500 mmr normal skill so I can see what you are talking about.
It's not about the mmr, it's about the fact, whether they are ranked player or not. Even ranked 100 mmr players have something to be proud of, but for unranked, they only have kills and KDA.
I don't know either. Probably around 2500.
I mean, people in my games even ward once in a while.
And sometimes they even buy a gem( So it's probably above 2000.
Once in a while someone would even play a support! Though they usually build the full carry build)
Are you telling me that every game I played so far that everyone is a ranked player? I'm wondering because no one has every complained about ks when I use Riki. I guess i'm just lucky that I have never seen that. Kind of makes me sad because I really want to see what its like.
But everyone says you are 500 mmr. That must mean I'm 650 =)
How do I become a ranked player? Do I need to play rank? I have never played ranked games before.
But my games are all unranked. I cant even play rank. it wont let me. Who has 3000+ games?
I only have 1 account and I'm not even sure why they put me in high skill games. Its kind of unfair because everyone else is so much better.
Skill brackets are determined by MMR, so yes.
@OP: You're not going to win a lot of games with that build.
on a serious note if someone wants to give me some advice that would be nice. This last game I was doing pretty well up until 48-53 minute mark where I was lagging quite heavy. My guy stood there and got killed giving up lots of gold and exp to them and I was not able to defend. Some advice on how I could have played out the game differently would be nice, or what items I could have gotten.
Smoke Screen is a good spell.
It is a AOE Silence and a gives a big miss chance (70% at the highest level).
It has a very good cast time, and unless your enemies are extremely fast it is very hard to miss the spell.
I don't think Dagon + Ethereal Blade is that good on Riki, except as a troll build.*
Unless you are really good at him, I would recommend not to do that build.
Stuff like Diffusal Blade, Manta Style, Eye of Skadi, or Butterfly are good to get as they increase his backstab damage.
Diffusal Blade and Manta style can also remove dust.
Skull Basher might be decent, Monkey king Bar is good to get if the enemies have evasion.
I also find it really weird that you lost so many games while having divine rapier.
Try playing bot matches more to increase your skill as the hero.
*This is ironic coming from me, see my Riki games for why.
Riki is good. Smoke is a decent disable for ganks and if there's one thing i want to buff riki., its the Str gain of the hero. Btw, dont rush diffusal. Other items are more viable
well said, riki is OP but YOU ARE SURE SUCK. but yes still need buff cuz hes not competent for high lvl game. well said.
TripleSteal- may i join with this shitty riki plays ? soon i will be a pro riki like Фантом Рики!!!!!
A riki with an avg gpm of 365? I'm not suprised you always loss.
Instead blaming riki's smokescreen, try farming for effectively.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
That way it's actually useful.