Aggro the creeps ...right click the nearby enemy hero and when the creeps switch aggro to you pull them as closer so u Can farm more easily but it gives the opposing hero free too
How to not get harras ply riki(get his invis) buy QB and hide in the enemy or our own jungle zero harrasment is real unless the other team has Zeus or spec
8 tangoes 1 salve stout shield for melee carries
if you're good, you don't need quelling to last hit and this provides you with enough regen and dmg block to deal with the harass
Rather than right clicking, it's better to learn to use a-click. It's much more efficient.A-click, back off a little, a-click your own creep then a-click enemy again after 2 sec CD aggro.
If ur a offlaner and getting hard to cs just block ur every creep waves starting between t3 and t2 and put ward on the pulling neuts of the opponent :)
Enemy creeps will always be near on ur tower if ur a melee make sure to have a quelling and thats ez u free farm all the way.
Creep aggro tricks:
A-click or right click on enemy hero causes nearby (500 range) units (and towers) to aggro you for 2 seconds.
In an even lane, you want to do this just before going for a last hit, so it's closer to you than the enemy and much easier to last hit.
In even lane you don't want to spam this, you will push the lane as the enemy creeps stop damaging your creeps for a bit UNLESS you aggro them and pull them into your range creep, in which case it will pull your lane back.
If you are losing the lane, you can continuously aggro the creeps past your wave by doing it every 2 seconds. Whether you can do this efficiently or not depends on how the enemy supports are zoning. Bring them to your tower for exp.
If you want to harrass the enemy without getting aggroed, attack the enemy hero outside of aggro range to start the 2 second cooldown (it triggers even if nothing is aggroed), then you have 2 seconds of no-aggro attacking.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
how to avoid harassement from enemies , and farm safe especially if you are offlaner (in this case I may dont need gpm) , and other case if u are carry and u have no support in your lane
Thank you
ps: melee carries and range