General Discussion

General Discussionlate game zeus vs invoker

late game zeus vs invoker in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Not a 1v1 thread, but which is overall the harder carry late game in a team context?

    My brother and I were playing a game and I said we'd better finish I don't know if we outcarry them by much late Spectre ending up outcarrying everyone, but my main point to him was zeus is really scary late and he said so what we have invoker, invoker is way better late.

    Well they are very different heroes, invoker being probably more valuable as a controller late than a nuker, and zeus is pure nuker all game. But zeus with an aghs, lens, viel, refersher can bring your entire team to half hp and kill supports with a couple casts late. Their zeus never got this fed, but he is terrifying late imo, especially when carry bkbs are down to 5 seconds. He can just hang in the back and wait it out and blow you up.

    Invoker sucks to play late too when your bkb is down to five but I worry more about being tornado'd and emo'd and deafening blasted and ice walled and cold snapped and kited to death than being blow up by a guy in the base in two shots.

    So what do you think? I think both are pretty scary late, he thinks zeus falls off.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Invoker scales better than zeus; having 10 very strong spells is better than having 4. Invoker also scales with rightclick, zeus doesent.


        On the other hand zeus passiv scales good also. In this case i would prefer zeus because he can support specter , the real carry, better than invoker.

        Dire Wolf

          But does that really mean invoker does more dmg in a team fight? Zeus has a % based nuke plus that double ult.


            pretty sure zues falls off a hell lotta more than invo.

            Dire Wolf

              well alright, consensus seems to be invoker > zeus. I'm just so scared of a fed zeus late.


                why? late game u hav pipe and bkb and can burst down the zues with proper positioning. whereas an enemy invo will offer much more trouble to you than just simple nuke dmg


                  If they're both equally farmed, Invoker is more of a threat.

                  However, a snowballed Zeus is far more terrifying than a snowballed Invoker.


                    In my humble opinion it is not possible to compare thise heroes. While invoker is a carry inlate game zeus will be more a damage support with other tasks like dewarding, show enemys on the map, invisibility breaker and ofcourse to deal damage.
                    So itsimpossible to give you a answer. Yeah a fat invoker is much better than a fat zeus. But zeus influence on early and mdgame helps other carrys like specter to become fat. That means that in your example you maybe would win the game faster as invoker but on the other hand you could it also lose it because your other carry couldnt become fat.

                    The really strong thing is that zeus had a very good early and mid game and is als helpfull in late while other heroes have trouble in some timestamps.


                      They both scale well into the late game, but Invoker will just be able to do so much more in the game. Invoker can rat, he can rosh, his spells offer more control, he has much stronger right click, BKB is not as hard of a counter, etc...

                      I would fear an amazing invoker player over an amazing zues player in the late game.