General Discussion

General DiscussionAbuses, charms, quests

Abuses, charms, quests in General Discussion
{|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

    So yesterday I recylcled lots of my items and got charms for them. pretty much every item I have it 2 times recycled it. Then I had this games where I predicted I will win and this shit happened.
    I mean, I lose battle points and charms cause I predict and lose them in games like this, by the time others, host lobbyes get 9 players in 2 groups (lets say they are in a east Europe country, they make after 2 parties of 5 people) and serch on Peru server and language selected will be Chinease. They get to play each other and always the radiant side will win easy in less then 14-15 min, dire side just feeding on purpose, easy charms, easy quest, easy battle points.
    I bet I did my best, still I lost, fair enough, but why would I continue like that when so many others just make abuses, don't lose shit and get what they want very fast. I have the courage to bet only when I play mid, since after few games as support, where my entire team was either complet shit, or they complete fuck them, but then they were fountain camping and diving the fucking fountain instead of ending it.
    P.S. I suggest predictions and quest be viable only in solo ranks so this shit cant happened again. I have many friends in my friend list, who have more fucking rampages then average last hits in games and that say a lot. when u have 120 rampages in your last 90 games and average last hits 82, then u can have an idea how abuses work, and all this when I try my best and fail to win it fairly.



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