General Discussion

General DiscussionPure cancer pubs

Pure cancer pubs in General Discussion

    Am I the only one who knows It's ez lose just looking at what my dogshit team picks.
    In those cases I always pick the heroes I usually dont play because I don't want to waste my time trying to carry shitstain noob feeders and lose the game after 60mins and lower my hero win rating.
    Do you guys also do that or try to carry no matter what?

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Daily normal skill player blaming his team thread.


        Always try to win. Why bother playing if you are going to quit and not really try. You are just as bad as them if you do that. Besides if you care about dota then care about the community and change your personal behavior to benefit it as a whole. And you just like your teammates can be flexible what you pick. You see they are going carry support. They are going early game then either pick to win early or a super late game. And don't just call them noobs at first death its a team game and being a jerk doesn't make you seem any better or make them want to try any harder. If you are just going to blame and complain just abandon if you don't want try and win. If someone is bad then farm near them and bait them.


          Blaming team yeah sure.
          I get happy when I see a bad/decent team.
          I usually get born feeders who doesn't know how to push/defend/jungle or anything then It ends with 5man ganking my underleveled ass

          EZ MID 9k mmr

            how do you have same mmr as born feeders?


              I can't do anything about a ursa that tries to get battlefury as a first item or a diffusal first on pa then ends up feeding like there are africans in the enemy team

              EZ MID 9k mmr

                how do you have same mmr as born feeders?


                  I don't talk about mmr in here only normal matchmaking but yeah I have really low normal mmr too because I started playing ranked when I was a dirty noob and abandoned 2 calibration games

                  EZ MID 9k mmr

                    you can always create new account if you think you belong higher


                      I already did but I need 50lvl exp trophy to play ranked

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Gimme your account and I will carry BF Ursa with my monitor turned off. Only sound will guide me as I demolish "born feeders".


                          Lmao I would give my acc If Ihad only dota in it..


                            Always try to win in normal skill and maybe even high skill, because of this golden logic - ur enemies are as dumb as your teammates. Play a fighting carry and pick off on the enemy weaklings 2-3 times and they lose hope. Or play a split pusher like am etc and push till their tier 3 and head back when they TP you create space for ur team this way. And from ur ranked games history I can see that u play a range of heroes, it's better to stick to a few heroes which you know to play , know the skill builds, item builds etc.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              I wasn't serious. But if you try hard enough and approach the game from right angle you will realize that your team is just as good/bad as you are.


                                43% wr that's impressive


                                  My god u are bad


                                    Thanks for the compliments lads


                                      Very apt IGN, mate. Suits you better.


                                        Being bad is one thing playing to feed and making it impossible for your team to win is another thing


                                          says the riki player


                                            It's pretty much true. One night I accidentally queued normal instead of ranked for 3 games in a row, 2 games with a jungle TB/Doom (easy 20 minute losses) and one game where our mid goes Alchemist, farms radiance and boots and travel and doesn't TP in on a team fight which would have been a team wipe for the enemy if they had instead just keeps farming the jungle like a braindead moron while we get teamwiped and the enemy team all get away with like 5-10% hp, turning into an easy loss. Then because of that the enemy Void gets massive, the two enemy supports just keep sticking together so it becomes impossible for me to pick any of them off and instead they just 5 man and get easy pick offs with the void. So we go from being equal in exp at 20 minutes to a 17,000 exp deficit and loss at 30 minutes.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა



                                                703 matches 43% winrate,,, and blames team


                                                  High skill players dont moan because they know what to do. In normal skills there are teammates that dont read guides or watch ppl play and they dont take this seriously.


                                                    +Raggamuffin keep getting carried you absolute fucking dogshit player normal skill with %52 win rate...


                                                      quick reminder that scraps complains about the forums being toxic, and threads not getting proper replies


                                                        getting carried? have a look at my profile u might learn a thing or two i have 52% win rate yea but i have 2k matches u moron and i calibrated at 1.3k and now I'm 2.9k instead of blaming ur team watch ur replays and look how bad u are

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა