General Discussion

General DiscussionHow many ranked you should play in a day?

How many ranked you should play in a day? in General Discussion

    I think I have to play 2 games max...more than that too exhausted mentally...after 2 games usually losses...1 game is actually enough because draining a lit of flaming or trash talking from others.

    In unranked I tend to play casually but for fun....

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      10-15 ranked a day until 9k mmr


        I have to get in the mood to play or I perform under my skill level. I also have to be in the right mindset with enough sleep.

        If I have time, I generally play 8-10+ games. If I only played 1-2, I don't think I'd have gained 767 mmr in 4 months. Which, isn't impressive but at least I've improved. I can't credit playing a lot though. I have a lot of help from Shred and coaches. But playing more helps a lot.


          the more you play the more you can win/lose in short periods of time.

          if you play 10 games a day and u tilt u can lose a lot in one week or win a lot.

          if you get burnt out quickly you shoudl only play 2-3 games a day if you want to improve/get mmr.