General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki deserves an Aghanim's upgrade

Riki deserves an Aghanim's upgrade in General Discussion

    Just saying

    How about this:

    Q: no changes. nobody levels Q anyways.
    W: blink strike: can now be reused 3 times before going on cooldown. halved mana cost.
    E: you can now stay invisible for up to 5 more seconds after you use your basic attack. You can attack while invisible. You're actually invisible and wards, dust and true sight don't reveal you.
    R: No more cast time, backstab damage doubled.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Pale Mannie

      Affects creeps and your attacks are based on your attack speed

      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

        Added some suggestions/


          dude, riki is a crap hero when you get to a decent mmr, too bad you'll never escape 500 mmr.

          plz do


            E: you can now stay invisible for up to 5 more seconds after you use your basic attack. You can attack while invisible. You're actually invisible and wards, dust and true sight don't reveal you

            HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAaasdasdsda asdg raeg trucgghbawe wartgsyd vykilllurselfploxasdaeraofidjviusdth


              Same reaction

              Swap Commends

                Who ever posts comments below me is an idiot

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                waku waku

                  le pocket riki