General Discussion

General DiscussionComment about most played hero of previous dotabuff.

Comment about most played hero of previous dotabuff. in General Discussion

    Nice winrate on weaver, you generally build your hero well for early aggression and survivability, as well as keen on sniffing out enemies' strength and weakness.
    I played windranger before her mid + agha go-to build became a thing.

    stupid fuck 2000

      Pretty good wr for pudge. Your builds are good although most games i would buy arcanes again after finishing my aether lens instead of tranquils, especially if you're going for aghs.

      Fee Too Pee

        A GOOD + EMBER PLAYER FINALLY. the ember spirit i met everytime only mid and feed and deal no damage, can farm well, nice KDA, and nice winrate overall. very nice.

        @Cipri Mind if u have some tips for ember dude? i never understand how to play him

        stupid fuck 2000

          @Fee Too Pee, For items, you should always go with the same build until you get blink. (tango + pom -> boots -> quelling blade -> aquila + wand if they have bristleback, zeus etc -> bots -> bf -> dagger). Ideally you'll get daedalus afterwards but many times you'll have to go manta, mkb or linkens beforehand. Go skadi or butterfly if you gotta tank up against physical damage heroes.

          As for playstyle, laning obviously depends on the matchup so i cant say much. If you can be agressive, then do it, if not, just try to farm. You should start looking for kills as soon as you get lvl 6, most supports and even carries are easy targets if you use triple remnant for burst but most times you dont even have to do it. After you get bots + bf, you can start split pushing and joining your team for fights when needed. Should be smooth sailing from there.


            You have a TON of flexibility in your ember. You know when to buy your defensive items and your offensive ones. You tend not to go all in with ember with a full crits + BFury build. Your overall game seems strong, but >Random Draft puts that slightly in question.

            Fee Too Pee

              @Cipri thanks a lot dude. btw where u always lane? mid or safe? if mid, how u get farm, ember is so easy to zone out. thx a lot again

              stupid fuck 2000

                ^ 90% of the times I go mid with him. They way i deal with heroes trying to zone me out is by going super agressive with my flameguard as soon as i have 2 points in it and 1 point in chains for a potential kill. However, some heroes you just can't deal with. That's usually viper, medusa and invoker if he goes quas wex. Zeus is also hard but I usually check his mana and if i see that he doesnt have enough to break flameguard i just go in for the easy kill. I have to mention that putting one early point into the sleight of fist can help a lot in lane when it comes to killing a squishy hero. You catch them out of position with your sof + chains combo and you go in with remnant flameguard.

                Anyways, lets not try to turn this thread into something else.

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  @Knifepony wtf That's actually impressive visage KDA

                  sopa en mi yolk

                    I don't like windranger players ;-; the shackles are so bs


                      I'm horrible at pulling off combos so tinker players always impress me. It seems like you do a good job even if your team is bad so nice work!

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Step up your game on SWM. Poor win rate and KDA.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        sopa en mi yolk

                          I don't play tinker as much anymore due to time I actually get my bot.... But I do love how much keys I get to press while playing him :)

                          For your sky wrath, nice to see someone play him! I always have a feeding sw on my team that only Lvl up stats so he can be smarter

                          (Edit: Skip me or judge my second most played)

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            Wtf is techies your best hero 70%is good. Same most used item build with him complains...i wanna start play Techies agai

                            sopa en mi yolk

                              Well, I found the fatal flaw why you only had a 45% win rate.... No aghs first? You can pick up your Euls or Force after the ags depending on your situation. and by looking at your deaths, it seems that you are still trying to get suicide kills after 20 mins... But suicide for a kill? Spend that resplendent time all on planting bombs or farming instead

                              But time to look at your necro....
                              I don't feel comfortable with tranquils on Necro... Arcane to Guardian is a good way, due to your high pick up on it oh and nice 70% win rate on him


                                well, ur tinker is average but ur techies is good, gratz

                                Pootie Tang

                                  You have a crazy win rate with Earth Spirit.


                                    My usual build is soul ring arcane force staff eul when to rush aghanim?

                                    Thereason to buy force staff 3rd item is to escape or make hero run to my mines...eul scepter because my mana pool I consider still low


                                      great win rate on Necro, one of my favorites. maybe try to build more damage items than utility instead? xP

                                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                        good winrate on sniper despite the hero being considered trash on this meta. I'd like to see you play more games tho just to see if it truly is legit.


                                          sniper is only trash to the wrong hands despite if he's meta or not. sniper = life

                                          TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                            what is your go-to build for sniper ability-wise? is 4-1-1 still any good?


                                              1-1-4, 0-4-4

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                okay, let's stop now before this thread changes to something else.

                                                Chairman Mao

                                                  Nice winrate on alch, but I miss the days of him being viable as a pos 4. The funny thing about drums is just how popular it was during shanghai major. Looks like you might have predicted the future.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Most games there areharder carries, and my items are to prolong our teamfights and they need it... its rare that Necro is the main carry. I make those items to win teamfights. I prefer the items I make than "damage" items simply because I have harder carry or right clickers....


                                                      Simply ignore me and post about the person above me ty


                                                        @thegreymarshmellow and @sunshine - look at that 2 necrolyte spammers in a row. For shame.


                                                          OMG A BLOODCYKA PLAYERR. Since u havent played him since 6.84/6.85 ill forgive you and transition to your viper instead. Good kda as to be expected from both your BS and viper. Congratulations buddy

                                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                                            Ebola Spirit player ugh. I'm kidding, that hero takes quite a lot of skill to play properly and you have a rly good winrate on him so you defintiely know what you're doing.


                                                              Keeper of the light ! Awsome


                                                                Lord right click hero. All hail phantom assasin


                                                                  Fucking phoenix instapicker..

                                                                  Tiny 凯

                                                                    Someone needed a Butcher? Time for a little butchery!


                                                                      tidehunter is my bestfriend.


                                                                        Yeah i realy like your hero picks...coz i cant play that kinds of hero...all i can do just RIGHT CLICK hahahahaha


                                                                          No kidding with spec being your most played. Farm Radiance, and then don't die. Win. :)

                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                            QoP good hero.

                                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                                              Riki DansGame

                                                                              Phantom Renegade

                                                                                600 gpm and xpm on ember. Damn


                                                                                  Smurf account with spamming slark being in to do list..try atleast 3-4 heroes..pfft


                                                                                    Nah, fuck Pudge. 2x times played compared to 2nd most picked, you really do love hook, don't you? Play Pudge War for the lulz

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      lol CM. i hate sup btw cuz he will be the target of blame, even ur play so well. HAPPY SUPPORTING !!


                                                                                        Hehe hooks fr life man..i carry people with pudge mostly unless the team turns out to be arrogant retard..neways i wish i have supports like u in games..#Buy wards save lives. #commended x))


                                                                                          @I AM TINKER
                                                                                          Decent KDA ratio and decent winrate

                                                                                          King Crimson

                                                                                            I don't think you should max Fissure by level 7 as shaker, it's more efficient in manacosts and stun-lock time to max aftershock after lvl 3 fissure. Also, try to get aftershock lvl 3 sometimes to be able to get a possible tp cancel when you rotate or roam to another lane.


                                                                                              Solid BH build. You still manage to get items even when you're behind. Keep at it.


                                                                                                good rubick, but why mek

                                                                                                Moon :d

                                                                                                  Die a lot huskar its k. Bad smurf choice duh

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    Carry Mirana 4Head

                                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                                      waifu wunner