General Discussion

General DiscussionLets Get AXE back in action!

Lets Get AXE back in action! in General Discussion

    Axe sucks! only 205 damage on his counter helix..when it first started it was 375 went down to 350,325,250, now down to 205... i mean he is axe for crying out loud not freakin' ancient he's like a mega creep with counter helix... not much base damage at all.. and if he squares of against PA armlet toggle... you barely do any damage to PA... LOL played him earlier and boy does he suck... i remember w33 playing axe and boy it was fun to watch... now.. axe is like a sissy with his sissy axe and sissy damage


      im calling icefrog sec, gonna be better tommorow

      the realm's delight

        lets not
        the horrors of 683 still haunt me


          it feels like two days ago


            683 had two other guys who were way more annoying imo, and i still one of them being picked left and right

            Riguma Borusu

              It'd probably be better if his counter helix scaled with strength or something, right now even if you somehow manage to snowball with him, you'll still lose because as soon as you die you'll feed a ton of gold and end up being useless anyway, with zero effective damage output, lategame the only redeeming factor for axe is ulting a creep to grant your team a haste rune before the fight, and then blinking/blackholing the shit out of the enemy team.

              the realm's delight

                2guys? maybe 5
                sf sniper troll jugg axe slark everywhere


                  I mean look at him with a 45% win rate...RIP Valve... maybe in the next couple of patches he wont have counter helix at all keep on changing their skills and stuff... Im about to cry... "_"

                  Dire Wolf

                    dude fuck axe, that hero is so fucking annoying, I'm glad he sucks. I'll tell you what, let them buff helix if you make it so call can't be cancelled. so annoying to dodge the blink, call only to have axe cancel it, get away with making a shitty blink, chase you don't and call you.


                      thats why you go battle hunger maxed axe mid like real man do.


                        I'm fine with more helix dmg but REMOVe the damn regen so he doesnt creep cut every game

                        Livin' Real Good

                          Yup, creep cutting axe's aren't hard to deal with, maybe for 2Kers, but he's still hard to deal with when you have a cancer jungler and a weak melee support, or no support at all.

                          Riguma Borusu

                            You can't cut creeps against a trilane or a ranged hero, you'll just get fucking rekt. The only way you can cut creeps nowadays is if you actually aggro them behind the tower, and farm them in the safety of your hard camp/tower which is a legit thing with a lot of other heroes to do, otherwise if you want to go behind THEIR tower, you better hope you're in a 1v1 lane against a melee hero, 1v2 against two melees or something similar, I don't see how you'd get away with it otherwise. Any rotation would fuck you as well.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            Pale Mannie

                              Thanks for the 6.83 flashback dumbass

                              bum farto

                                @yorkey want me to creep cut you with Sano?


                                  think he is still fine in certain lineups.
                                  like i see a ton of spec safe lane with 1 support like shaker and shit. you pick axe + 1 support and go offlane and you can do just fine.


                                    wut? Counter Helix has only been nerfed ONCE and it wasn't the damage, it was the requirement of him being actually hit to proc a spin.

                                    Unless you are talking about Culling Blade, but your numbers aren't correct either way.

                                    His other nerfs hit him hard, but he'll eventually receive a buff I think. You can't leave a hero untouched for so many patches in a row.


                                      Im having 6.83 sniper jugger troll axe flashbacks
                                      H O H O H A H A S H R A P N E L

                                      bum farto

                                        I actually got so many fucking games won during event with year beast cause there was a bug that would give Sniper infinite shrapnel and they never fixed it.


                                          I'm pretty sure I only won one game in that event and I shit you not I got a pugna set (maybe that was the PA oracle event dont remember)

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            His counter helix just needs to be pure damage, dats all the buff he nids to get back in the meta :]

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Counter helix started at 150 not 375 what are you talking about. He's weak because his call is slower and this meta gives a ton of gold to everyone from kills based on net worth difference so carries get big and he can't scale with it.


                                                Was almost as glad as Axe nerf as the Storm Spirit nerf. Not quite as much, nothing could replace my hate for storm spirit, but goddamn I am glad that Axe is in the dumpster.