General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Shaman

Shadow Shaman in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    When is he a good pick? I want to pick him he seems like a strong disabler but always feels like its just a feedmachine. Any good shaman players that can give some insight? And maybe any crucial points I am missing with the hero?


      pushing mashine with venge drow fura and shit
      he is also ursas girlfriend

      Low Expectations

        does drow aura work on his wards?


          ^ omg that made my brain melt

          lets wait for tripplesteal he may know..

          well its not working on venos snakes so i guess its not working on wards either

          Riguma Borusu

            No auras work on wards, that'd be just fucking broken but good question.

            Even pushing aside, SS is a good support for carries with early kill potential because the shackle duration even on level 1 is just ridiculous at I think 2.75 seconds or something, if you pair it up with a roaming mirana you'll just get a ton of pickoffs for your carry. Juggernauts, Ursas, and even Slark can do well with a SS in lane because even at level 1 they have 2.75 + 3.5 seconds of disable and most solo offlaners can't deal with that, it literally boils down to "if you come close to SS you're dead" so you have to play extremely safe.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              this is fun fucking tastic:D

              Riguma Borusu

                ^I read that in WR's voice rofl


                  Shadow shaman is a nice hero yes, he has 2 disables and a really nice ulty, but you need to know when to use this ult and try not to feed with it.

                  When is he good? When you want lockdown, his shackles are basically Bane ult, and he has a hex aswell. He can work very good in a pushing lineup and is a good counter to heroes that are hard to catch. Slark, Antimage etc. But with Slark you must avoid pact.
                  Also because of low hp/armor you need to position yourself well.

                  I never max his Forked Lightning, I take it on lvl 10, but I think I will start taking attribute bonus since I never get the chance to farm anyway...

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      firstpick any game. then ask your dumbfuck carry to pick lycan and proceed to win in 20 minutes

                      WINNING MENTALITY

                        shadow shaman is overpowered if he has good combo on lane like ss and ursa :P

                        Pale Mannie

                          Max shock when enemy refuses to fuck off by your harass and your carry is not burst heavy.
                          Max shackles when your carry is burst heavy like Ursa for example for just straight up killing that one who wants to touch your allmighty carry.
                          Ult ready? Push lane and get easy early tower kills. Repeat it with the other T1 towers as well and get more easy money. Get arcanes, disassemble them into Aether Lens. Get blink when enemies are scared of you to catch them with your carry. Else get force staff/meka. Rebuy arcanes, get guardian greeves. Rest of itemization depends now on game. Recommended items: drums, glimmer, shivas, necrobook, aghs, refresher, euls
                          After teamfights push immediately to keep pressure but not if youre the last who surrived or everyone is low hp (meka comes in handy)
                          Repeat until the enemy acient has fallen

                          Good Shaman players will get 4k towerdamage at least