General Discussion

General DiscussionWrong aproach

Wrong aproach in General Discussion
{|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

    Really guys, why if Valve realise a compendium everybody seems to be like, wtf why would I spend money in a game that is free ?
    But now really, same dudes that point this thing and say those that spend money are idiots, have spent between 2000-4000 hours in game. I mean whatever u would do in 1 hour u would earn more then 10 dolars so basicly time spent in dota is thousands times more harmfull for your pocket then a fucking compendium. And I quess if u spent thousands hours on something, that is worthing spent money in. Tbh if I could buy a compendium every week and not to play anymore and I will have way more money at the end of the month cause TIME IS MONEY.
    Not to mention dota means focus and shit (you can play it when u are tired, exhausted or you would play like shit).
    So Dota suck our energy, focus and time, and every 3 months some idiots complain about 8$ compendium that are to expensive. Like they don't have nothing to do with their time.
    In 1 hour when u are completely focus and fresh, and u try to be at your peak, well in that time could be with your friends drinking a beer, or at a pizza with a lovely girl or just making a project that would get you some nice income.
    Really now how frustrating seems to be this for me, when I realise that dota waste my energy, focus, time, opportunities (fucking addiction) and some fucking idiots complain about hats that don't deserve few bucks. And yeah I thinks those fucking compendium and sets deserve their bucks, especially since dota is a free game, why we would pay for trash games and don't pay in a game we like and spent a lot of time ?


      i meet this approach rather often and its not true. time not spent on something is not equivalent to losing money you could earn, or either u really suck in life, happiness and everything.

      buying a 150€ T-shirt with 50% discount is not equivalent saving 75€, it only means u spent 75€. going out with friends consistently for 10 hrs a week is not equivalent to losing the additional wage u would get for speaking chinese, that u could learn instead of chilling out with your squas, etc.

      if for you dota is a waste of time and you conciously realize it, just stop playing. but dont assume other people are similar to you in these terms cz that's not true.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        if u want to count everything n money, then try to find a way to express hapiness in dollars, which is actually rather easy, and use it when making decisions.

        also the fact of directly spending money on a game is different to indirect time investments for a psychological reason which u may need to take into account. and it also varies for different people.

        plz do

          i think like this:
          I played 3000 hrs of dota and spend mb 50$ total on it for compendium and items. For 60hrs of playing dota, I pay 1$. I pay for a game I love and actually like to support. (The cheap ass I am) that sounds like a damn good deal compared to a night at the movies.
          per round of dota i probably give valve back 0,005$. dunno if this is correct, i think that is the rough number.

          Its my decision to do whatever in my spare time and I dont care if others like to do something else. However, judgin others is dumb, because of personal morals or ideals.

          lm ao

            Its my decision to do whatever in my spare time and I dont care if others like to do something else. However, judgin others is dumb, because of personal morals or ideals.

            so true.

            Riguma Borusu

              The only wrong approach I see is people losing games because they were trying to complete some fucking quests rofl.


                Have you seen the quests? they are not game losing these are small Little quest

                Riguma Borusu

                  Nope, some are definitely game losing because people are brain damaged.

                  Either they rush a sub 10 minute midas on a hero its terrible on, or they random in ranked hoping to deal 3k damage, prolong the game artificially to get 3 aegises, random and afk farm to get 175 last hits, and the worst one I think is deal 15k damage as dragon knight in dragon form, that shit fucking ruins games, I've had a 0-15 offlane DK that just fucking fed all game and picked him like a retard (first time he ever played the hero, or seemed like it), into a draft he doesn't fit into (and also forced me to jungle in process). Seriously, brain damaged people who go to ranked in hopes of completing those fucking challenges should just fucking shoot themselves and be done with it.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა