General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Calibration

MMR Calibration in General Discussion

    How to calibrate to 4k? Tips please. I've spent months of creating smurf accounts and my first calibration game was around 4.2k but i lost many times in calibration and got 4/10. Is it true that losing a calibration game causes -100 mmr?

    თემა შეიცვალა
    King of Low Prio

      yes it was posted here a few weeks back that wins dont matter once you start calibrating but loses drop you about 100 mmr each time


        played other account 3st three games i won wint vengfull with kda 4+ and average mmr droped 600 , ,so whats a point to win games

        Da Cosmonaut

          Bro just add me on steam and i will help you with that

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Stop listening to Ariana Grande and you will be 6k in no time.


              * Play effective heroe
              * Inkrease KDA
              * Maximinsk farm


              Riguma Borusu

                ^I like the dual meaning of 'prophet'


                  how 'bout deserving 4k in the first place?



                      Git gud

                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                        Play like 4k and you will be calibrated at 4k.

                        Play like 3 or 2k and do some system abuses like Oracle shit and you might be calibrated at 4k. However, everyone in every game will be able to see that you are garbage that drags one team down and you will drop to your original MMR pretty fast while spending some time in LP.


                          please, cut the account spams and climb mmr


                            Getgood and start doing game impact?


                              I just calibrated a few days ago. I calibrated at 4.5k. I created new account cause I just bought a new PC instead of playing on my potato laptop. And I always felt that my Laptop limits my gameplay. Try learning ember.