General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark. Item discussion

Slark. Item discussion in General Discussion

    This is what I usually do when it comes to item builds on him.

    If I have no reason to go for Silver Edge, I usually go for Shadow Blade into SNY(i get orb of venom if we can get kill on safelane, most of the time I upgrade stount to PMS aswell, and I get qualing blade for farm purpose, because I suck with farming)

    So, PMS > PT > shadow blade > SnY > Skadi or BKB(depends on situation), then I finish Skadi, and either go for Basher or MKB.

    Later on I sell SB or if I have slots I go for refresher and that's it.

    Now comes my question.

    What would you get on him if you go Silver Edge? Going for SNY then is not really perfect option, since it won't scale good into lategame and you will finish it later because of your Silver Edge, obviously.

    Now you can rush Skadi on him, but I find it better not, unless you have Yasha into Sange or Manta(to purge silence mostly, tbh).

    This is why I think it's not good to get Skadi after Silver Edge: It provides you decent HP gain which is good, OP slow which is good, but it does provide you almost 50% less attack speed compared to Assoult Curias.

    Now I'm still trying to see if I'm right or not, time will tell, but I think I'll go for this build next time I have to use Silver Edge strat:

    PMS > PT > Silver Edge > Curias > Skadi

    If you go for SNY, next item is obviosly Skadi, but unless you want to go for double sange after you get Silver Edge to finish SNY, or you have to go for Manta for obvious reasons, I don't think AC is bad item on him if you go for Silver Edge.

    At very start he has low armor(if he does not steal essense shifts), also his attack speed is not that good(AC fix this problem) and aura debuff on enemy helps, ofc(and it's good for pushing and teamfights, right).

    Now I also saw people going for MoonShard after SNY, but to me investing 4000 gold for just pure 120 attack speed is.. Idk..

    So? Thougts? Thanks. :)

    თემა შეიცვალა

      i usually go pms > pt > sb > skadi > whatever
      "whatever" usually means basher>abyssal, moonshard, bkb, mkb if there is evasion, refresher

      i barely ever upgrade sb to silver edge cz imo this item costs 2 times more than it is actually worth


        I think getting SNY before Skadi is very helpfull on him, since it provides him extra moving speed outside of his ultimate, and Sange gives hm decent HP + DMG + chance to slow. Also ,yasha gives him attack speed + armor + dmg aswell.

        Combined, for just 4100 gold you get a lot, and it's way easier to build SNY than Skadi on him, and I also think it's more usefull.

        Also,synergy with Skadi is amazing (if you go for SNY).

        Silver Edge is also good(at least I think it's good). If you need it, ofc.

        Life saver against PA, Ursa, even PL(he cant purge it anymore).

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        plz do

          no midas, no dagger?


            dagger is senseless in pub dota, midas doesnt fit the meta atm


              @ Hushush, I'm not much of Dagger in general, and I don't like Dagger on Slark.

              I dont' say it's bad, it's just I don't like it.

              Midas could be good tho, but not always.

              Óðinn H

                i said i might

                Óðinn H

                  i might just bang ur hoe

                  saving private RTZ

                    SnY is better than Skadi on slark most of the time, at least BSJ said it. His built is smth like aquila, treads, drums, SB/SnY, SnY/SB, then Bkb/Skadi.

                    He said Silver Edge is not worth it unless you have Skadi already. He also said if you need to get Silver Edge(BB, PA etc) you don't dissasemble SnY unless you have skadi already because the maim from Silver edge is not enough

                    The reasoning for Drums is that Slark is bad in early 5v5 so that mitigates the problem he has + that you can chase better so you don't need to use ulti to chase(and this is mostly why SnY is better than Skadi for slark a lot of the time)

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    Livin' Real Good

                      When playing Dota at our level (YES OUR LEVEL, YOU ARE NOT PRO) Dagger is so shit on him.

                      I dunno, I start with tango, salve, stout, and ring of protection. (usually do this if I know i'm in gonna be in a safe lane getting heavy right click harass from a dual offlane, or if I have a melee support like Earth Shaker or Ogre who probably aren't the best at harassing the offlane ranged Wind Ranger, or Huskar, or whatever. That's when I do that build into PMS (which also gives me the perks of having a PMS, and 6 extra damage to increase last hitting power, THEN I go into quelling blade)


                      I go Tango, Salve, Stout, 2 Iron Branches. (this way I can start with 60 damage, rather than the 58 that the build above gives me, and I can eat the iron branch tree's I guess to improve the potency of my tangos) Go straight into quelling blade, then PMS after.

                      PMS is just too good on him, that 1 armor, that 6 attack speed, damage (best part) and damage block + quelling blade (goes with the best part) you pretty much won't miss a last hit. Let's you tank hell bear creeps much easier if you're jungling at level 6 and have his ult to heal after.

                      *ALWAYS CARRY A TP FROM SIDE SHOP*

                      I don't feel comfortable leaving lane (unless I have to TP somewhere obviously to clean up someone getting dived under their tower) until I finish Quelling blade, PMS, Ring of Aquila, Brown boots, and Shadow blade by 10-13 minutes. Can be faster if I actually get a kill in lane or snowball. Once I get those items, most of the time i'll snow ball off easy Lina mid kills, or Rubick kills, or whatever squishy mid or support they have that isn't hard to gank. (like Omni Knight)

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      A waifu a day keeps socie...

                        I go midas

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