General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle Broodmother

Jungle Broodmother in General Discussion

    Hello brothers and sisters, in 6.86 jungle broodmother for the Radiant side is quite strong if nobody gang her.
    brood needs 17 min to get 15000 gold. So the question is what items should I build and in which order.
    In most videos on youtube I saw players build travel boots, AC and desolator.
    But maybe you have better suggestions, like orchid or something else.
    If your team will "survive" and wont feed till you show down, its easy win.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Just rush deso. If you can get it before 10 mins you basically won = you can manfight multiply heroes in once + get tower after their death.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        See brood ? Pick Alchem. Get Radiance, enjoy 1100 gpm.

        Riguma Borusu

          "If your team will "survive" and wont feed till you show down, its easy win."

          No, you do not sit in jungle idle for 17 minutes, period. Get your first big item and start farming heroes instead of creeps. You should leave the jungle at about 7 minutes and start pressuring the whole map, even if your team is behind, you can't argue with an early deso boots and brood ult, you're unstoppable if they are light on CC, if they have tons of CC, you just won't kill anyone, though you still won't die yourself unless they have tons of burst.


            Get a dagon no kappa.


              even i can see that brood in the friendly jungle is stupid. just farm the enemy jungle - you relieve pressure on your lanes and don't have to worry about whether your team "survive"s or not.


                Is good if u do shit once u hoarded ur spiders