General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre Help.

Spectre Help. in General Discussion

    So instead of rushing radiance, i decided to go for survability, and got flamed by team. Against an opposition line up like that did I really make a mistake...?


    If some one in "VERY HIGH" can comment it would be really appreciated.

    Their arguments:
    -If i had got radiance game would have ended within in 40 mins.

    My argument:
    - If i dont last 5 secs in a team fight how will radiance be of any use.
    - I was solo lane against QOP and Arc Warden and had like 10 cs in the first 10 mins. Isnt it too late to get radiance already.

    King of Low Prio

      you need either radiance or diffusal, your teammates have a right to flame you for not getting either


        I had diffusal which i threw to pick up the Divine Rapier from Acr warden. I went vanguard>diffusal>heart>diffusal lvl2>butterfly. And then I was on my way to buy the radiance bcoz ppl threatened to throw the game when arc warden threw the game by losing his 3 divine rapiers.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          What is so good with radiance on spectre?

          King of Low Prio

            I like radiance because it boosts my farm tons plus it gives evasion

            King of Low Prio

              but I usually go phase aquila vangard radiance into manta and rat them down hard


                with rad. your ult will do an extra 350 damage to the entire enemy team and disable blink daggers for an insane 10 seconds.

                radiance is super good on spec, but by no means should you get it every game regardless.

                phase ->urn -> drums -> diffusal -> manta -> whatever is a great alternative to radiance

                diffusal 2 + manta has more single target dps than radiance + manta, if that is your top priority, then build dif.2


                  Theoretically, if i had built raidance then how do u deal with invoker and lina. Because even with power treads+vanguard+bracer i got insta killed(cyclone+meteor+sun strike+blast>blink out) a couple times.

                  King of Low Prio

                    Nothing you build on spec is going to make you able to 1v1 a good invoker. Spec is good because he overwhelms the whole team at once.


                      blink abyssal manta diffusal pretend ur AM 4Head


                        First of all im not really good at the english so im gonna try jajaj

                        well the vanguard in that special line up it wouldnt been my first option cause almost all there early mid game dmge is magical, and a rad for that case in a tf distortion the participation of the sups and make them try to destroy the ilu or run away instead of helping the hc (in some cases)

                        But u had issues whit the farm at early and u were ganked a lot of times

                        so here are my advices

                        -never is too late for radiance, but as the game goes on his value decreases (in that game i think that would have been a really nice tool even in the late).
                        -if u cant stand in a tf in the early mid game, try to pick off and join the tf only when u know that u can have kills for example in min 14:50 3 free kills
                        -try phase boots if your early isnt so good, the extra damage is more useful in that stage
                        -a urn would have been nice too
                        and for last
                        -Buy a ward if no body bought one cause it made u lose 2 gold death penalitys + the gold of the creeps that u didnt last hit

                        Good luck ! and sorry for the english !


                          NOTE: Spectre should only be used in parties of 5... spectre on SOLO mmr is a 40% you will win and 60% you won't... solo mmr spectre has poor lane farming capabilites unlike PARTY mmr where u coordinate with ur team that u get all CS then that's what u call a 51% chance u will win and 49% chance u will lose depending on how they come about countering your build... I suggest use spectre in parties of 5 not on SOLO mmr... slow farming capabilities and slow attack speed...

                          Riguma Borusu

                            ^this is bullshit, at low MMR if you're any good you'll find farm easily, at high MMR, being solo doesn't mean anything because people are not brain damaged and know what a spectre pick means.


                              You can win every game as spec in low MMR :P
                              I NEVER rush radiance, you need drums or vg before radiance or diffusal


                                Don't get a vangaurd for no reason. If most of their damage is magical and u had 10 CS and 10 mins, you shouldve thought, damn, if i don't get some damage soon i will do absolutely no damage, so basically u paid 2100 gold for hp regen and 250 health cause the physical damage reduction was useless vs a magic dmg line up. You probably coudlve gotten morbid mask and poor man shield for some tankiness and sustain, maybe helm of dominator for hp regen, then get str8 into diffusial to have bigger impact in fights then BKB.

                                That is WAYYY scarier to a team of magic damage dealers.

                                You need to think of every match differently dont go into a match with 1 build in your mind, switch it up, adjust to your enemies.


                                  If i was you and i got totally shut down i wouldve bought Poor Man Shield > Quelling Blade > Power Treads > Ring Of Aquila > Helm Of dominator , just to keep my hp up, and give me some tankiness vs creeps, give me a little mana and HP regen, lets me jungle, so i can freely farm my diffusial blade, then go into bkb, then maybe radiance right after,

                                  Like none of their heroes do physical dmg and u got an item that protects u from physical damage.

                                  it's common sense brother


                                    49% winrate
                                    normal skill
                                    "spectre's bad u guys"

                                    fyi spectre has a higher winrate in lower skill brackets than higher ones, most likely because people can't end games early so spectre will eventually get radiance in most games. plus the enemy carry can't farm for shit so he won't be able to get early game items like drum to push the advantage before spectre gets her radiance.


                                      Vg is a waste of gold, just go Drum

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        wrong patch kid


                                          as soon as you have your third item you'll win as spectre. the earlier the better of course.


                                            Vanguards very well synergize with:

                                            - Dispersion
                                            - Radiance
                                            - Blade mail

                                            Spectre only in parties ? U kiddin me. I play only solo mmr and still can maintain almost 70% wr.