General Discussion

General DiscussionIs DotA 2 dying?

Is DotA 2 dying? in General Discussion

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        Putins Price Hike

          u started an account to see your stats and posted on a forum for dota 2. so nope


            if u'r 1k mmr u will feel that


              I dont think that it is dead but my higher mmr friends believe it is dying. I honestly disagree but i've recently heard alot of people agreeing.


                Dead game for sure, people living patch to patch on meta heroes but fun died in this game a long time ago.


                  Всё работает.


                    higher mmr friends believe it is dying.

                    can you please tell me what you see as higher mmr friends.



                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                        Welt aus Eis

                          yeah inhouses should come back other than that the games fine

                          Welt aus Eis

                            we also need to keep in mind that unfortunately our opinions as 5k+ players are kinda irrelevant in the great scheme cuz we're just 0.1% of the playerbase, the fucking 2k normies are the ones who decide if the game is dying or not


                              No. People are just way too dramatic.

                              the realm's delight

                                been dead for a long time now


                                  1 million players at the same time, 12 million monthly users
                                  It's not been higher, so if anything it's growing.

                                  Just look at statistics instead of asking autisitc people on a dota forum

                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                      Can someone party with me guys? I'm just a 2.7 scrub and I really want to get out of that bracket. I'm willing to learn. Thanks

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        12 million players 2 weeks ago
                                        Gained 200k new players til today

                                        > dying literally


                                          idk m8 but im back on my losing streak for this patch again.


                                            prize pools that shit on any other game's tournaments.

                                            Hell, LoL's grand-fancy-worldchampionship prizepool is shat on by smaller majors.

                                            Totally dying.

                                            D the Superior
                                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                                              Von Darkmoor

                                                Up to TI4 the game was perfect after that its just been Inbalance after Inbalance
                                                PA spamm followed by Sniper / troll spamm Storm spamm followed by Windrunner spamm followed by Huskar spamm

                                                ratting is a bit back now but was dead up till now since TI4
                                                And teampush aswell

                                                it seems like carry being carrying is back a bit too instead of the of The solo mid carrying everything.

                                                Still its a bit of patches to go to get back to the good old days where you could play varius diffrent styles and still have a 50/50 shot at winning instead of The play carrying solo mid with husk or wr (metashit) or only 5% change to win.


                                                  Dead game would be game that has no player base and no tournaments whatsoever, there is no acctual dead. Dota 2 is not even close to dead and new players are always emerging, maybe young players are not used to dead games so they think game is dead even it is not. Getting online, having 100 active friends in all mmr ranges is kinda alive. Maybe problem is on higher levels, or on pro level, but it is understandable, since not many players can achieve that level and join that club, so it seems dead specially when some of them stop playing or leave for other game.


                                                    Personally I think it has already reached its peak at TI5 and now slowly declining


                                                      If decline is case, we would see dota 3 coming out, not new patches. It might be normal that there is loss in interest between two TI's. Let's wait and see what happens when hype kicks in. Game slike Dota 2 that are so much releveant in e-sports and have such huge amount of money involved do not just 'die'.

                                                      plz do

                                                        ^they just introduced dota3 (=dota 2 reborn)

                                                        its dieing personally for me. i think a lot of players become frustrated by the weak ranking system and boring meta plays.

                                                        i just have to find a game, which can replace dota. mb the division, once it comes out in march. looks promising anyways.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          But it is still dota2 with new interface. Sorry, didn't know it counts as new dota game. Rank system has it flaws for sure, game meta changes, some heros from top tier picks go back to mid or low, it is how it is. You can always say good bye to dota and come back whenever you like, start from 0 and find way to enjoy it, but I doubt it will die so easily.

                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                            Meta sapm has been present since forever. Nightmares of 6.57 DP and Necro still haunt me. Morph in 6.64. Zombie post rework. etc.

                                                            Livin' Real Good

                                                              Game was actually dying during reborn beta, and post reborn release due to people being unfamiliar with the main menu, hipsters complaining that the old one was better (when it's NOT, the old one was super basic, good, but too basic)(arcade mode is amazing) and all the bugs and glitches that came with reborn dropped the population, now numbers are high again.

                                                              I don't get how people can say TI 2 and 3 had more players, uh, it didn't, I didn't play back then, but the statistics are there, game has grown ALOT. Prize money for tournaments is higher, MOBAS are STILL ON THE RISE (hence why tons of moba clones are coming out like crazy) PC gaming is on the rise (Dota or counter strike usually being the first games people hear of on Steam) Also, when the International 2011 was happening, Twitch was barely being born, and the game didn't get nearly as much coverage back then as it does now. (seeing as Twitch is now main stream, and everyone has a Twitch account these days)

                                                              Many many casuals play games for the first time cause they thought it looked interesting when watching it on Twitch, Twitch has done ALOT more for gaming than people think.
                                                              Game is fine.

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                Looks 2 me like the game is just growing! Sure some people have given up on the game, but they should be ignored. There'll always be players passionate about dota, just as there'll be people who are shall we say less keen on the game. I normally play by myself now, as my friends have started playing less or moved away, but I still have a gr8 time every game! There are some complete dickheads but a lot of gr8 people & there always will be.
                                                                Dying or otherwise, it's a personal choice 2 play the game.

                                                                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                  mainstream stuff=dead inside

                                                                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                    Statistically no, dota has been gaining more and more new players and is now at its peak.

                                                                    For me very patch since TI3 has been enjoyable except for 6.85,neither me nor my friends quitting anytime soon.


                                                                      if ppl keep picking bear invoker ench it will die cuz i will stop
                                                                      especially bear, this fuckin hero srsly.

                                                                      and the fuck happend to es LOL i just played it, for 1h i tried to pull my allies and thought i was lagging or bug.. they destroyed him so hard, he's not even considered as a hero anymore to me more like a creep with some spells

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      savage brutal rekt

                                                                        Iam fine with Dota for now


                                                                          Whether it is dying or not, I don't care because I still love it and I always enjoy it (Although sometimes school skipper kid ruined my mood so hard.)

                                                                          Nymphie ♣ @World 5-3

                                                                            It'll go the same path as TF2 but it'll be one hell of a ride.

                                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                                              Why the fuck do you bump this shit back to first page?


                                                                                idk :/


                                                                                  It was, but it has been revived. It is, but it will be revived. Its the nextgen game:))