General Discussion

General DiscussionThx ppd's guide for my mmr :)

Thx ppd's guide for my mmr :) in General Discussion


    the realm's delight

      good shit i had no idea theres a custom game showing you neutral camp spawn boxes


        That custom game is so good.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          i like when people go and hit the offlaner, aggro creeps and then ask me why i push my lane fucking 4head

          the realm's delight

            nice i can FINALLY stack the new dire camp


              @ Be water my friend

              So, basically, crucial thing about zonning out offlane is to trade with him outside of creep range?

              So either stay above creeps or cast spells?


                yes, go behind him, or just outside the range of ranged creep and u can hit him all day before the next wave comes without ruining ur carry's lane


                  That custom game is soooo good. I found out about that in one of Fluff's videos I think. Good stuff


                    that guide is really basic but i guess it helps supports with no brain

                    Nikosh Adhar

                      holly shiat


                        I guess everyone knows this but no-one doesn't do this in games.

                        I guess basic is just basic until you start to play this game. :)

                        Btw, I didn't know about shitloads of things he said here, and I don't even have problems admiting it.


                          @invoker picker = dog did you have link of some more advance guide? I need it


                            nearly no ones knows this in pubs since the usual support players lack brain. but if u think about the game instead of brainlessly playing it for some time u will realize these things yourself
                            no, i played support competitive. thats all i can recommend. if u wanna do well there u have to understand things like this yourself. or just watch ppd stream when hes playing support (he randoms often), so much to learn there

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              he had some other good videos, ppd that is


                                Based on my experience, most 4K's players still can't support properly btw. And most of them have strong mid laning skills but decision making still horrible.

                                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                    Ok thx for your suggestion @invoker picker = dog


                                      id say people in 4k can lane ok in 1 v 1, but they kinda fuck up in matchups 2 v 2, 3 v 2, 2 v 3 etc


                                        i can guarantee u that no one in 4-5k bracket understands what a support should do in any stage of the game. your best bet to win is through roaming if u dont play a core role though

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          Damn, that guide is godlike, thanks dude. I want to improve at support, I rarely play them, and I think if I learn how to play them, that will complete my game, then after that it's just polishing. That spawn box part, wow.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            Should i play support for mmr? Just people that know basics of support are really few. But problem is on my current mmr when your cores throw eg. Go item instead of bb, solo roaming enemy jungle, desire to push enemy t3, and worse case is i told them not to do those but they never care and say"enemy got more carry we need to end fast" and trying p t3 when we cant. I know i can't called myself good but the feeling when your team are leading but your team core throw.


                                              a good support is also a good team leader


                                                if u can play a good support and your team see it, they will try to listen to what u have to say like : 'lets rosh", 'lets get back xhero bought back' etc


                                                  Ok thx ill try.


                                                    @invoker picker = dog do you have some other techniques that pubs usually didn't do and easy to explain in words?

                                                    the realm's delight

                                                      playing support makes u a better player overall
                                                      the role itself is also harder than 1 and 2

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        the biggest thing u can implement is intelligent warding. stop warding same spots, think about what vision u need. enemy just took roshan? u dont need that rosh ward, what else could u need vision for?
                                                        i watch the minimap 80% of the time as support to think about what area gives me the most knowledge of enemy movements


                                                          ^yes this is important, useful vision and flexible warding spots (dont ward same shit over and over)


                                                            Thx for the suggestions ill try


                                                              it helps a lot to watch a replay where u warded and see if they actually helped by comparing vision of both teams.
                                                              also, think about warding like a cat & mouse game. you ward first -> u see the enemy warding -> u can deward with ease. and vice versa

                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                honestly i thought this guide was super underwhelming, ppd didn't go in depth about anything, basically spoke only about pulling/stacking and blocking / unblocking camps which is either basic or doesnt require a video made by a pro since you can just check the spawn boxes by yourself

                                                                i expected something more interesting about decision making, rotations and drafts but anyway, reddits happy


                                                                  yea only valuable thing i got was some of those new ward spots plus that tango eating trick for radiant offlane which im probbly gna use

                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                    Jo ! ! <3

                                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                                      Well, sano, you're right, but I had no idea that spawn box mini game existed, definitely gonna download it.


                                                                        great video