General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone please teach me how to play this game

Someone please teach me how to play this game in General Discussion
Mr Mental

    I can't get out of the 2k trench because i am really bad at this game. I main supports like crystal maiden and ogre magi and have a tough time figuring out what went wrong. Like this game for example: I roamed alot in that game and warded alot too. I bought detection to fight riki and shadow fiend and somehow still lose. Granted sven might be the cause of my loss since he denied our aegis when we killed rosh and the enemy was still farming.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      Watch PPD's video on supporting. Ez MMR.

      And learn to play cores.


        honestly if you can just zone offlane properly and know how to/ and when to put good wards, you can climb even on support to 4k


          oh and proper pulling/ocasional ganking ofc

          King of Low Prio

            learn to play every role, you dont need to play cores to increase your MMR but you do need to have a good understanding of their mentality and limitations to be successful as support. Most low MMR players just play support because they are too lazy to learn and practice mechanics


              some people at low mmr might watch minimap from time to time, but if there is no vision/bad vision they can't predict how enemies will move and be prone to getting easily ganked, leaving roshan exposed etc


                also what my 2k-3k friends think about playing support is this> you pick support buy 2wards and courier> deny creeps in lane and hit offlaner> pull sometimes


                  and thats not how u do it


                    u got a good games as 2k player. BUT u are playing supports- I experienced this aswell, supports are most likely to get lower mmr thn those who play cores bcoz of lower hero dmg HD, tower dmg TD, the only thing in supports is hero healed HH without urn meka etc sure u will get low mmr, what u nid to do is like this.. switch playing cores, start with mid-offlane-carry. support players are good cores if thy do transition coz thy know what to do compare to others, after getting exp as cores u make new account.. here u nid to take these things into account.. HD TH HH LH denies. as you start ur new account click u are begginer 4 easier farm, in ur 1st game pick tanky/durable hero and make urn, heal everytime there is a chance, do tower dmg. that will bring you to higher mmr. better allies/enemies/plays. and always remember.. in any mmr bracket u cant escape retard ppl. tht's all. hope i helped and answered ur question. happy gaming.