General Discussion

General DiscussionIdeal timer on completing boots and blink & Bloodstone?

Ideal timer on completing boots and blink & Bloodstone? in General Discussion

    I have very poor track record on sustaining my farming pattern. Roaming around do nothing seems to be my best side so would be great if I can know when's the best time to get stuff so I can remain focused. I mainly play support and offlane if the information helps.

    Ogre, PoTM, Silencer, Centaur, BB < Heroes I pick mostly (PoTM recently)

    The only hero I keep track on is my Centaur. 13-15 min, worst 20 min blink + tranq boot

    Btw, what do you think of transitioning to bloodstone after arcanes on Timber. Octarine more viable or Aghs?

    Thank you.


      wtf are u even asking


        hmm really ambiguous way of asking something


          idk in offlane how fast u get blink depends on ur hero and matchup


            and arcanes > bloodstone is the build on timber


              if u get it before 16-17 its great


                if slower than 21-22 then you kind afucked up


                  average timing for BS in a game where every1 is playing good and u dont deathball is 20-22, Id say.
                  godlike timing is 10 min or less.
                  if u get BS past 25 min, you definetely should have picked another hero.

                  Mary Poppins

                    Realy, 25 min for boots, bloodstone and blink oO


                      just bloodstone mate)


                        but if you get couple of kills in lane you could have that at 25