General Discussion

General DiscussionStats from past 10 Smurf accounts (including this one)

Stats from past 10 Smurf accounts (including this one) in General Discussion
Jesus Perez Ramirez

    After reaching ~100 games every game was the same:
    - You play well and have 60-65% winrate
    - Teammates become shittier, enemies stay almost the same skill bracket
    - Stacking with 1 friend for one game fucks the system for some time (few games after that teammates return to previous skill bracket)
    - You think teammates started to be good enough to let them carry - WRONG
    - Teammates make you lose supported games
    - Losing rank bracket - dropping to 50-60% winrate
    - Enemies stay the same and teammates keep dropping on skill level.
    - Carring hard 1v9 makes the game unpleasent
    - Frustration on terrible teammates, pointing them out that warding in same spot EVERY TIME is not a good idea gives you low prio
    - Making smurf 11 ;)

    Jesus Perez Ramirez

      FlufF content / True story


        800 games just to make a new acc? why bother just to do it all again.

        Jesus Perez Ramirez

          yup only way it seems for solo players. Till valve fixes mm by introducing solo queue.

          ps. im not switching logged account for just dtbf... already lvled 10 accounts to 120 games and every time the pattern is the same. Its not an "auto tune" vs smurfs, its just fucking solo players over.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Dune, the Desert Planet

            You seem like super retarded.

            Mary Poppins

              Maybe you are just bad and can't carry 1v9 ? My friend who was 5k4 (6 months ago) playing on my main account and win 27 game in a row before losing (on 3k2 rank) (and this is why I don't play anymore on my main).

              If you are good you can carry, if you are not, you can't. Really simple.

              Create smurf don't help you, you think you deserve better rank/mate ? Just up your rank but stop create smurf for your e-penis.

              Jesus Perez Ramirez

                No i think i deserve to have teammates on equal skill bracket than enemy team is. :S It has nothing to do with ranking im not even playin ranked games.

                System works as it works now, it punishes solo players and its not "Enemies and teammates get better" kind of skill improvement. Its "Enemies stay the same shit noob lvl, but your teammates get WORSE AND WORSE"

                Sure some 6k dude iwll carry in 3k bracket, but the problem is not everyone is 6k but everyone wants to have equal chances to win. As it seem right now system sometimes enforces lost-win situations just to tweak winrate of solo players.

                You will always be able to carry till some skill wall. The problem is that your 6k friend played so well that he sooner or later was gifted such a BRAINDEAD teammates, he couldnt win 1v9.

                The current system punishes players that play solo and want to have equal chances ALWAYS. if someone has 6k mmr and gets placed in 3k mmr game (for some weird shit going on with stacks 2-3-4 ppl), he is scrued. He might land in team with representation:


                Resulting in very frustrating game. Its simple and plain maching manipulation to fuck ppl over. Not for a reason almost everyone plays sooner or later in full 5 man stack. Because the system is flewd and doesnt pick you equal teammates.

                It should be known that MM can place you in a game you are supposed to win because you are SOO good, but team will make all efforts futile.

                If the pattern was correct for each and every separate smurf with different role play styles, it has to be programmed like this. So called "Black box test" you always expect same results for same input.

                This is fucked up that Valve has to enforce such a situation, where some players have to be handicapped badly to give another team chance to win against him. Whole "Play with players of similar skill" during search is a plain lie. After 2 min search rating can variate over 1k which in reality is an ABYSS.

                Ill try to write some simulation for this and if results will be always the same, this system was programmed to enforce win for people that should not win. Which is pretty valid point from business point of view, people that would mostly lose, would actually leave the game. Overall situation would be the same as in RL. Half of people are dirt cheap peasents and of cource would be glorious PC 80% + winrate master race.

                Sad but true, Valve is fucking ppl over so that other will feel better and consider spending cash on hats. :/

                EZ MID 9k mmr

                  I have some sad news for you OP


                    To be honest, the posts by OP, Jesus Perez Ramirez, raised valid points. By the way, OP, ignore all those toxic replies to your post; Dota2 is best played 5vs5 in a team with real friends, not solo with some strangers on pub games. You will feel the difference when you play with your nine other friends sitting beside you in a LAN all with headphones and open mic. You experience less lag and much more cooperation. Solo MMR Dota2 on Valve's public server is a joke and a waste of time. I don't even play pubs anymore. Doing 1vs9 is never fun, that's why we get paid for boosting MMR. (See:


                      Jesus Perez Ramirez, here's a joke a fellow booster shared with me: Solo queuing on Dota2 solo MMR is pathetic. It's like a loser waiting for some unknown prostitute or one-night-stand to drop by and fuck you. Some time you might get a great fuck, but most of the time the fuck is lame and dissatisfying. Worse, you get toxic fucks that spread sexually transmitted infections around and leave you to die. Why would you allow toxic strangers to fuck you? On the other hand, playing Dota2 with real friends sitting beside you whom you know well is like having sex with your wife. Both of you know exactly what turn you on. With each game, both of you grow in experience and in fun! (Don't waste your time making Smurf 11; life is too short and precious to waste on those toxic fucks. Go do something good and real with your life.)


                        Good points there OP! Surely raise a lot of thoughts about it and beyond. Play with your friend is a good advice too!

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          A great DoTA player is a great leader, not a complainer. That's why I respect people with good manners or good chat behaviour than "Very High Skill" arrogant, blamers, carry-only high mmr players.

                          Instead of blaming your teammates, do you think you're the reason why you lose? Because that attitude of yours?

                          And if you think you're a "great" player, even if you calibrated at 2.9k mmr you can climb all the way up in no time.

                          Learn to enjoy playing DoTA instead of bragging how great you are or how high your mmr is. Or, you can try other games if you think DoTA is unfair to you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                          when i laf i say, kakakak...

                            Super ballsack

                            The Tree®

                              You've made 11 accounts because you don't like your MMR? LOL!


                                what's your main account's mmr and where do your smurfs calibrate?


                                  @Rin ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

                                  It just doesnt work like you describe... There are plenty of "GREAT" team players that have not so impressive solo rating. Puppey can lead his team to win even through he is not considered "GREAT" player. He is an average player but godly captain that can lead people, tell them what to do.

                                  In a situation that OP presented, he tries to lead people, but they just REFUSE to do so - > all his efforts will be USELESS. And it would not matter at all that he is "GREAT" captain. If people play in 2-3 man stack they almost NEVER listen.

                                  Current system is punishing solo players very hard. Sooner or later you face skill wall that is not possible to overcome without stacking. Its a valid point. And it dont really matter if its 3k -5k -8k wall, it skill exists.

                                  And this problem must be solved, because for me majority of Dota 2 players are solo players.


                                    Also to this dude "ˌfoʊnəˈtɪʃən"

                                    Advertisment is against Dotabuff rules, and you should be banned. I cant believe people are willing to pay over 1000$ for mmr boost, but if such a sites even exist then it means Dota2 MM is just fucking terrible. (so many frustrated people willing to pay ...)

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      This might help you, Jesus.

                                      "... In longer run, only players who are REALLY good can maintain 60percent win ratio or above,"

                                      First example, look at win ratio of Burning or Fy.



                                        pick Antimage and farm.



                                          If im not mistaken profesional players almost always play in stacks. 2-3 man stacks. If they play solo they mostly play on stream adding people from stream. Ive watched few games of SingSing play solo only. He lost 4/5 games...


                                            jesus christ 10 smurfs that's fucking crazy actually


                                              Quoting Rin ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ: "A great DoTA player is a great leader, not a complainer. That's why I respect people with good manners or good chat behaviour than "Very High Skill" arrogant, blamers, carry-only high mmr players.
                                              Instead of blaming your teammates, do you think you're the reason why you lose? Because that attitude of yours?
                                              And if you think you're a "great" player, even if you calibrated at 2.9k mmr you can climb all the way up in no time.
                                              Learn to enjoy playing DoTA instead of bragging how great you are or how high your mmr is. Or, you can try other games if you think DoTA is unfair to you." What you said is hard to do in solo pub indeed. That's why people form esports team for a more enjoyable dota2 gaming experience.


                                                RGB, that post was not advertising. Just highlighting the frustration that solo pub players face like you shared. It's true.


                                                  @ RBG, " Ive watched few games of SingSing play solo only. He lost 4/5 games..." haha SingSing solo streams are funny. You can see how he tells his teammates to do stuff that could win the games, but people do the contrary. Dota Cinema stuff!