General Discussion

General DiscussionMicro Commands for Treants

Micro Commands for Treants in General Discussion
Sir Will Stinnable

    Hey guys,

    Recently I've been having a lot of fun and decent success with natures prophet going the new Phase>Drums>Aghs>Octarine Build.

    Im having a little trouble microing the treants spawned from the aghs.

    I think there is a command to help me but im not sure, what I would like to do is select a group of treants and give them a location, they then move to this location BUT will stop and attack enemies that they aquire on the journey, they will fight the enemies and then when the enemies are dead they will continue to move to the location specified.

    Is there any way I can do this? Any adivce appreciated, Thanks!


      Manually selecting using cam grip and then using attack commands or smth, honestly If you're going sceptre then you're already committing a pretty useless split push build so you might as well just select all summoms (f2 for most) and attack command down all lanes which is two clicks.

      Also just keep an eye on the map which is something you should be doing as a good NP player anyways, there will always be opportunities to kills something or someone

      Sir Will Stinnable

        Can you explain this bit to me in simpler terms? 'you might as well just select all summoms (f2 for most) and attack command down all lanes which is two clicks.' like literally tell me what buttons I need to press after i have selected all summons, do I just double click on their ancient?


          Select the group, shift + A-click lanes

          Sir Will Stinnable

            haha wow thats so easy cant believe im 3.5k mmr, been playing dota for 2+ years and still didn't know that. Thanks all for the help