General Discussion

General DiscussionLost 80% of my last 10 games

Lost 80% of my last 10 games in General Discussion

    what should i do im desperate


      chill out and stop playing for a while ?


        Happens to the best of us :D Play some other game for now


          This week starting from this game

          You won 6, lost 1, won 4, lost 2, won 2, lost 1, won 5

          At this point you are up +13 games with 81% winrate for the last 21 games.

          But then you lost 2, win 1, lost 3, win 1, lost 2, won 2, lost 6, won 1, lost 3

          For that stretch its net -11 games with a 24% winrate for 21 games.

          Overall for the week you have won 22/42 games. 52.3% winrate is totally normal for you. Nothing strange is happening. You just feel bad because the games you lost happend to be the most recent ones.

          Although Valve does it's best to make all games have 50/50 odds to win actually doing that is impossible. Each game people pick heroes they might be good or bad at playing. If you team picks their best heroes, and the other team picks something they just feel like trying out you will win the game easily. If it's reversed you will get crushed. Unless you are very underated and can truly dominate the game by yourself there is nothing you can do about it.

          So you will win and lose about 50%. The more you win, the more likely your next game will be too hard for you. The more you lose the more likely your next game will be extremely easy.

          So cheer up. Since you have been losing your games are now easier to win and you will start winning shortly.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            i'm soon to be mmr of 1 and still losing all my games. It's just not possible to play with random people


              Are you really near 1 mmr? How do you manage to lose those games?

              I tried to make a smurf go as low MMR as I could recently as an experiment and I could not get below 1200 MMR despite intentional feeding all game. Once I accidentally got an ulta kill as Dark Seer because I just did an ordinary vaccum wall combo without thinking about delibrately missing it. 0-20 before that and that one correct play won the game. They kept fighting illusions standing on the wall until they died.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                the chances to win 2/10 games are pretty high, actually.

                waku waku

                  ^ are you salty you aren't climbing as much as you wanted?

                  A M B Y

                    @Relentless Ty man for the stats and info, but the figure is that mathes i won were mainly party mmr games, and last 10 were solo :/


                      So you lost 8 games from the 10 you played or is my math wrong?


                        no, why?

                        A M B Y

                          yes 2/10


                            You're probably tilting and the subsequent losses make you tilt even more before you even start the game. Just play without worrying about winning and don't chat to your team or anyone.


                              I lost 100% of my last 1.0 games, but you don't see me complaining.

                              waku waku

                                just asking. that was rude sorry


                                  uninstall Kappa

                                  I DON'T SPEAK ANIMAL (REAL)

                                    Maybe you should spam more JuggerNOTs :D

                                    A M B Y

                                      I am very good with Jugg, it is my most played hero, but i i dont know why, i lose late game every time


                                        You are probably just tilting. Play normal matchmaking until you are confident in your play style.


                                          Just do what I do, win games.

                                          WINNING MENTALITY

                                            make a team that are not noobs if u know what I mean play party and demolish the enemys


                                              You do seem to be struggling in games over 50 min.

                                              20 to 30 min (9 games 66.7% win)
                                              30 to 40 min (52 games 69.2% win)
                                              40 to 50 min (52 games 63.5% win)
                                              > 50 min (28 games 46.4% win)

                                              Have you considered refresher orb as a late game item? Chain an omni slash into another => 5 dead win game.


                                                Can you tell me where I struggle dear Relentless? I feel like I could win 95% of my games but I don't for some reason.


                                                  Your problem is your MMR is too high to win 95% of games.

                                                  Jesus Perez Ramirez

                                                    " It's just not possible to play with random people " THIS! :D Mby like 1 % of top top players can carry 1v9


                                                      how is offlandosbloom very first game veryhighskill?
                                                      does dota pick up your ip on other account?
                                                      is europe west fucking pro only? lol

                                                      - did you party?

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      A M B Y

                                                        I will try that refresher, thank you mate

                                                        A M B Y

                                                          Won 2 in a row guys


                                                            Relax dude. You're high skill and the road to 1 mmr is long, so take your time :)


                                                              get some chicks


                                                                if u cant win with od and spectre u should consider playing something else


                                                                  pick am go safelane, lose all lanes early, split push while overconfident enemy afk farms on midgame cores, get fat, end mid, ez


                                                                    relentless making dotabuff great again


                                                                      You think thats bad i finally won a game after 14 straight losses. feel free to look at my profile to see my shit luck

                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        I feel you, i'm fucking losing so many games, i'm NOT EVEN TILTED, or doing anything different than I normally do, i'm NOT EVEN MAD, or emotional, everyones just extra bad this weekend. (Dota on weekends... I know)


                                                                          We're all been there, my stats dont lie as well actually, everyone gets their good days (winning streak days) and bad days (losing streak days). Just do your best at your game and fill the gap which your team lacks, if u did ur best then there's nothing to worry about even if u lose, since u can win future games.


                                                                            mb play spectre